The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Other Aesop's/Fable 17

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Numbered 42 in the Perry Index. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3927008The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs), Other Aesop's Fables — Fable 17: The Labourer and his ChildrenAesop

¶ The xvij fable is of the labourer and of his children

He that laboureth and werketh contynuelly maye not faylle to haue plente of goodes / as it appiereth by this present table / Of a good man labourer / whiche all his lyf had laboured and wrought / and was ryche / and whan he shold deye / he sayd to his children / My children I muste now deye / and my tresour I haue lefte in my vyne / And after that the good man was dede / his children whiche supposed that his tresour had ben in the vyne / dyd nothyng al day but delued hit / & it bare more fruyte then hyt dyd[errata 1] before /  ¶ For who trauaylleth wel / he hath euer brede ynough for to ete / And he that werketh not dyeth for hongrer.

¶ Here fynysshen the Fables of Esope
¶ And after foloweth the
fables of Auyan

  1. Original: than dyd was amended to then hyt dyd: detail