Translation:Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 33

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Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 33 (2006)
Council for Democratic Reform, translated from Thai by Wikisource
Council for Democratic Reform4595050Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 332006Wikisource

Volume 123, Number 105A
Page 28
Royal Gazette

3 October 2549

Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform
No 33
Re: Amendments to the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE

Whereas it is appropriate to improve the designated criteria, procedures, and conditions governing applications for conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand so that they be more suitable, the Council for Democratic Reform hereby announces as follows:

Article1.The provisions of article 4 of the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Article4.In this Regulation—

‘Order’ means the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant according to the law on the Order of the White Elephant or the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand according to the law on the Order of the Crown of Thailand, as the case may be;

‘political public servant’ means a person who is or is considered a political public servant according to the law on political public servants or other law;

‘public servant’ means a public servant with fixed position or salary other than a political public servant and includes a public servant or staff member of a local administrative organisation according to the law on local administration.”

Article2.The provisions of article 5 of the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Article5.This Regulation shall apply to the public entities, state enterprises, public organisations, state agencies or organisations, and persons designated in this Regulation, save where the application for conferral of the Order is made by virtue of a resolution of the Cabinet.”

Article3.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE as article 16/1:

Article16/1.The following persons shall nominate the persons eligible to apply for conferral of the Order:

(1)the president of an independent organisation according to the law, for holders of positions in such organisation;

(2)the secretary general or chief of the secretariat of an independent organisation according to the law, for staff members of such organisation;

(3)the holder of the highest administrative position of a public organisation, for officials of such organisation.

As for the spouse of a person having the right to be conferred with the Order according the Schedule, his or her nomination shall be made by the person holding the position under (2).

Article4.The provisions of article 22 of the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Article22.A public servant, regular employee of a public entity, staff member of a state enterprise, official of a public organisation, staff member of a state organisation or of a similar state agency, staff member of the secretariat of an independent organisation according to the law, or other person or staff member who has to leave the service because of reaching the pension age in any year shall, if having been qualified to be considered for nomination for the Order since before leaving the service, also have the right to be considered for nomination for the Order for such year of leaving.”

Article5.The provisions of article 23 of the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Article23.There shall be a committee for consideration of nominations for conferral of the Order at sash levels, composed of—

(1) the Prime Minister or the authorised Deputy Prime Minister as President;
(2) Deputy Prime Ministers as Members;
(3) five Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister as Members;
(4) the Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Household as Member;
(5) His Majesty’s Principal Private Secretary as Member;
(6) the Secretary General of the Civil Service Commission as Member;
(7) the Secretary General of the Cabinet as Member and Secretary;
(8) a Deputy Secretary General of the Cabinet or Advisor to the Secretariat General of the Cabinet authorised by the Secretary General of the Cabinet as Member and Assistant Secretary;
(9) the Director of the Office of Royal Scribes and Decorations, Secretariat General of the Cabinet as Member and Assistant Secretary.

The committee under paragraph 1 shall have the powers and duties to consider nominations for conferral of the Order at every sash level upon the persons eligible to apply for conferral of the Order at sash levels and to also [consider nominations for conferral of] the Order at a level lower than sash upon the following persons:

(1)Privy Councillors;

(2)political public servants, Members of the National Assembly, and political parliamentary public servants;

(3)holders of positions in independent organisations according to the law;

(4)political public servants and holders of political positions in the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration according to the law regulating the public administration of Bangkok;

(5)spouses of the holders of the positions in the Schedules annexed to this Regulation, who are entitled to be considered for such conferral.

The committee under paragraph 1 shall have the power to establish subcommittees or working groups to carry out screening, scrutiny, or other activities as assigned by it.”

Article6.The provisions of article 24 of the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Article24.There shall be a committee for consideration of nominations for conferral of the Order under sash levels, composed of—

(1) the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister authorised by the Prime Minister as President;
(2) five permanent secretaries to ministries or subministries appointed by the President of the Committee as Members;
(3) the Secretary General of the Civil Service Commission as Members;
(4) the Secretary General of the Cabinet as Member;
(5) the Deputy Secretary General of the Cabinet or Advisor to the Secretariat General of the Cabinet authorised by the Secretary General of the Cabinet as Member;
(6) the Director of the Office of Royal Scribes and Decorations, Secretariat General of the Cabinet as Member and Secretary;
(7) a public servant from the Office of Royal Scribes and Decorations authorised by the Secretary General of the Cabinet as Member and Assistant Secretary.

The committee under paragraph 1 has the powers and duties to consider nominations for conferral of the Order at every level lower than sash.

The committee under paragraph 1 shall have the power to establish subcommittees or working groups to carry out screening, scrutiny, or other activities as assigned by it.”

Article7.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE as article 30/1:

Article30/1.A public servant who has been converted into a university staff member shall remain eligible to apply for conferral of the Order as if being a public servant in the position he used to hold prior to being converted into a university staff member.”

Article8.Schedules 8, 9, and 14 annexed to the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE shall be repealed and replaced by Schedules 8, 9, and 14 annexed to this Announcement.

Article9.Schedules 25 to 28 annexed to this Announcement shall be inserted in the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Applications for Conferral of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, 2536 BE as its schedules.

Article10.In the event of absence of criteria for nominating any person for conferral of the Order, the committee under article 23 or 24 shall consider the application mutatis mutandis of the criteria designated in the Schedules annexed to the Regulation.

This Announcement shall take effect from now on.

Announced on the 30th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era
General Sonthi Boonyaratglin
Chief of the Council for Democratic Reform

Schedule 8
Application for decorations for military public servants

No Ranks Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 Lance corporal, petty officer third class, leading aircraftman Order of the Crown of Thailand, silver medal Applications can only be made in special cases.
  1. Must have been in service for a consecutive period of not less than five full years, counted from the day of commencement of the service up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  2. As for graduates from a military school, the period of service shall be counted from the day of being registered as members of the regular force during education at the school.
  3. The criteria governing holders of ranks shall also apply to holders of acting ranks.
  4. As for No 6 for whom a period of five years is required for promotion of classes, this means the rank concerned must have been held for a total period of not less than five full years up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
2 Army corporal, petty officer second class, air force corporal Order of the White Elephant, silver medal
3 Army sergeant, petty officer first class, air force sergeant Order of the Crown of Thailand, gold medal
  • Sergeant major third class, chief petty officer third class, fight sergeant third class
  • Sergeant major second class, chief petty officer second class, fight sergeant second class
  • Sergeant major first class, chief petty officer first class, fight sergeant first class
Order of the White Elephant, gold medal Order of the Crown of Thailand, fifth class
  1. Applications shall start at the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
5 Sergeant major first class, chief petty officer first class, or fight sergeant first class with salary at the rate of special major first class, special chief petty officer first class, or special fight sergeant first class Order of the White Elephant, gold medal Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
  1. Applications shall start at the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant[1] for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
6 Second lieutenant, sub-lieutenant, pilot officer Order of the Crown of Thailand, fifth class Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
  1. Applications shall start at the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having held the rank of second lieutenant, sublieuteant, or pilot officer for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the firth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
7 Army lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade, flying officer Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
8 Army captain, naval lieutenant, flight lieutenant Order of the White Elephant, fourth class
9 Major, lieutenant commander, squadron leader Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class
10 Lieutenant colonel, commander, wing commander Order of the White Elephant, third class
11 Colonel, naval captain, group captain Order of the Crown of Thailand, second class
12 Colonel, naval captain, or group captain with salary at the rate of special colonel, special naval captain, or special group captain Order of the White Elephant, second class
13 Colonel, naval captain, or group captain with salary at the rate of special colonel, special naval captain, or special group captain Order of the White Elephant, second class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Holding a commanding position.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications can only be made in the year of retirement from service or the year prior thereto.
14 Colonel, naval captain, or group captain with salary at the rate of special colonel, special naval captain, or special group captain
  • When entitled to the first class of the salary for major general, rear admiral, or air vice marshal.
Order of the White Elephant, second class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than three full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Must have received the first class of the salary for major general, rear admiral, or air vice marshal for not less than five years.
15 Colonel, naval captain, or group captain with salary at the rate of special colonel, special naval captain, or special group captain
  • When entitled to the first class of the salary for major general, rear admiral, or air vice marshal.
  • Holding a position of deputy, chief of staff, or deputy chief of staff of an agency headed by a commander holding a rank of major general, rear admiral, air vice marshal, or higher; or
  • Holding a position of commanding officer of a regiment, commanding officer of an army district, leader of a flotilla, leading of a wing, regular aide-de-camp, defence attaché, justice attached to the Military Judicial Office, justice of the Supreme Military Court, senior justice of the Supreme Military Court, senior justice of the Central Military Court, deputy chief justice of the Bangkok Military Court, prosecutor of the Bangkok Military Court, prosecutor for appeals and final apeals;[2] or
  • Holding a position of director of a division, staff officer, or equivalent position called otherwise.
Order of the White Elephant, second class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than three full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
16 Major general, rear admiral, air vice marshal Order of the Crown of Thailand, special class
  1. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than three consecutive years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than three consecutive years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five consecutive years, eligible to apply for the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  4. In the year of retirement from service, also eligible to apply for a higher class, but not higher than the first class of the Order of the White Elephant, except in the case of resignation.
As for Nos 16 to 18, when applications are made in the year of retirement from service according to 4, they can be made on the basis of successive years.
17 Lieutenant general, vice admiral, air marshal Order of the White Elephant, special class
  1. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than three consecutive years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five consecutive years, eligible to apply for the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five consecutive years, eligible to apply for the special class of the White Elephant.
  4. In the year of retirement from service, also eligible to apply for a higher class, but not higher than the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, except in the case of resignation.
18 General, admiral, air chief marshal Order of the White Elephant, special class
  1. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than three consecutive years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five consecutive years, eligible to apply for the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five consecutive years, eligible to apply for the special class of the White Elephant.
  4. In the year of retirement from service, also eligible to apply for a higher class, but not higher than the special class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.

Schedule 32
Application for decorations for public service staff members

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 Public service staff member
- Service Subdivision
- Technical Subdivision
Order of the Crown of Thailand, fifth class Order of the White Elephant, fourth class
  1. Applications shall start at the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  1. Nos 1 to 4 must have worked for a consecutive period of not less than five full years, counted from the day of commencement of employment up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  2. Nos 5 to 7 must have worked for a consecutive period of not less than three full years, counted from the day of commencement of employment up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  3. Must be public service staff members under employment contracts concluded with public entities according to the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister on Public Service Staff Members, 2547 BE.
  4. Must be public service staff members with titles and functions equivalent to skilled employees or higher according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance on Regular Employees of Public Entities.
2 Public service staff member
- General Administration Subdivision
Order of the White Elephant, fifth class Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class
  1. Applications shall start at the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
3 Public service staff member
- Specific Profession Subdivision
Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class Order of the White Elephant, third class
  1. Applications shall start at the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
4 Public service staff member
- Specific Expert Subdivision
Order of the White Elephant, fourth class Order of the Crown of Thailand, second class
  1. Applications shall start at the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
5 Public service staff member
- Specialised Expert Subdivision
General level
Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the White Elephant, second class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
    1. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
6 Public service staff member
- Specialised Expert Subdivision
National level
Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the third class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
7 Public service staff member
- Specialised Expert Subdivision
International level
Order of the Crown of Thailand, second class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the second class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant.

Schedule 33
Application for decorations for spouses of Members of the Election Commission

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 President of the Election Commission Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, special class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the Order of the White Elephant shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the special class of the Crown of Thailand shall be made triennially.
Nos 1 and 2 must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
2 Member of the Election Commission Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the White Elephant shall be made triennially.

Schedule 34
Application for decorations for spouses of Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 President of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, special class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the Order of the White Elephant shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the special class of the Crown of Thailand shall be made triennially.
Nos 1 and 2 must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
2 Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the White Elephant shall be made triennially.

Schedule 35
Application for decorations for spouses of Members of the National Human Rights Commission

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 President of the National Human Rights Commission Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, special class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the Order of the White Elephant shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the special class of the Crown of Thailand shall be made triennially.
Nos 1 and 2 must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
2 Member of the National Human Rights Commission Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the White Elephant shall be made triennially.

Schedule 36
Application for decorations for spouses of National Assembly’s Ombudsmen

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 National Assembly’s Ombudsman Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the White Elephant shall be made triennially.
Must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.

Schedule 37
Application for decorations for spouses of Justices of Administrative Courts

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 President of the Supreme Administrative Court Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, special class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the Order of the White Elephant shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the special class of the Crown of Thailand shall be made triennially.
  1. Nos 1 to 3 must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  2. Nos 4 and 5 must have been in office for not less than five full years, counted from the day of taking office up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  3. In calculating the tenure of No 4 or 5, the previous tenure as public servant, state enterprise staff member, or state organisation staff member can be included to the tenture as justice of an administrative court of first instance which has lasted for more than one year (12 months) up to the year of the application.
2 Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court Order of the White Elephant, third class Order of the White Elephant, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
  4. Applications for the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand up to the first class of the White Elephant shall be made triennially.
3 Justice of the Supreme Administrative Court Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the White Elephant up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand shall be made biennially.
4 Chief justice of an administrative court of first instance Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class Order of the White Elephant, second class
  1. Applications shall start at the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made annually in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Applications for the second class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand or higher shall be made triennially in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.
5 Deputy chief justice of an administrative court of first instance Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class Order of the Crown of Thailand, second class
  1. Applications shall start at the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made biennially in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Crown of Thailand.

Schedule 38
Application for decorations for spouses of Members of the National Radio and Television Business Commission and National Telecommunications Business Commission

No Position Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
  • President of the National Radio and Television Business Commission
  • President of the National Telecommunications Business Commission
Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class Order of the Crown of Thailand, first class
  1. Applications shall start at the third class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made biennially in the order of the classes up to the first class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
Nos 1 and 2 must have been in office for not less than 90 consecutive days, counted from the day of taking office up to the day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  • Member of the National Radio and Television Business Commission
  • Member of the National Telecommunications Business Commission
Order of the White Elephant, fourth class Order of the White Elephant, second class
  1. Applications shall start at the fourth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Applications for promotion of classes can be made biennially in the order of the classes up to the second class of the Order of the White Elephant.

  1. See Errata. (Wikisource contributor note)
  2. See Errata. (Wikisource contributor note)

 This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.


This work is in the public domain worldwide because it originated in Thailand and is a work under section 7(2) of Thailand's Copyright Act, 2537 BE (1994) (WIPO translation), which provides:

7. The following shall not be deemed copyright works under this Act:

  1. news of the day and facts having the character of mere information, not being works in the literary, scientific or artistic fields;
  2. the constitution and legislation;
  3. regulations, bylaws, notifications, orders, explanations and official correspondence of the Ministries, Departments or any other government or local units;
  4. judicial decisions, orders, decisions and official reports;
  5. translations and collections of the materials referred to in items (1) to (4), made by the Ministries, Departments or any other government or local units.

Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

In case this is not legally possible:

I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse