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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer/19

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Translation:Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Even ha-Ezer 19
Stoning for the status that she has track record of `ervah/forbidden relations
2971550Translation:Shulchan AruchEven ha-Ezer 19
Stoning for the status that she has track record of `ervah/forbidden relations
WikisourceYosef Karo

Stoning for the status that she has track record of `ervah/forbidden relations.
Two sections.

Paragraph 1- When the man has chazakah (what has become a default status) of being a kinsman, we judge according to this chazakah, even though there is no clear proof he is close kin, and we administer lashes, strangulation and stoning according to this chazakah.

סעיף א
מי שהוחזק בשאר בשר, דנין על פי חזקה זו אף על פי שאין שם ראיה ברורה שזה קרוב, ומלקין וחונקין וסוקלין על חזקה זו:

Paragraph 2- If a man and woman have come from overseas, she says this is my husband and he says this is my wife, if it becomes chazakah in the town thirty days that she is his wife, we execute if she [commits adultery].

סעיף ב
איש ואשה שבאו ממדינת הים, היא אומרת זה בעלי והוא אומר זו אשתי, אם הוחזקו בעיר ל' יום שהיא אשתו הורגין עליה: