Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Yoreh Deah/261

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Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
66056Shulchan Aruch — Yoreh Deah 261WikisourceYosef Karo

If the father did not circumsise his son, Bet Din (the court) is obligated to circumcise him. And if the bet din did not circumcise him, he is obligated (when he shall grow up) to circumcise himself. If he did not cicumsise himself then he is suffers karet (spiritual excision). And every day he transgresses and is punished. We don't circumcise the son of a man without his knowledge, unless the father refuses to circumcise his son and the bet din did not circumcise him, we circumcize him despite his will. (Tur in the name of the Rambam) And the wife is not obligated to circumcise her son (Tur) e If the father does not know how to cirumcise, and there is a Mohel who does not want to circumcise the child unless he is paid, the bet din ajures the mohel that this is not the path of the descendants of Avraham. On the contrary, the Mohel's are zealous to let them circumcise. And if he stands defiantly and the man (father) does not have money to give the mohel, it is as if the child does not have a father and the bet din is obligated to circumcise him. And therfore bet din forces him since there is nobody else available to circumcise.