Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Yoreh Deah
This translation of a non-English source text is incomplete. If you'd like to help expand it, see the help pages and the style guide, or leave a comment on the talk page. |
Note: As of Mar. 2020 there are at least three very partial English translations at, including the Public Domain CC-0 Sefaria community version. However that version has only two simanim, whereas here, there are many more simanim completed or started. Two sections of YD there have publisher translations (license not clear per an admin there): Charity: 247-259, Avelut: 335-403
An asterisk (*) after a section indicates it appears complete, at least in draft. Edit TOC
Ritual Slaughter
[edit]- 1 Who is eligible to perform slaughter
- 2 Whether slaughter performed by a non-Jew or a mumar (apostate) is kosher
- 3 Slaughter does not require intent
- 4 One who slaughters in the name of idolatry or for some other purpose
- 5 The one who slaughters for kodashim [Temple sacrifice] and the relevant laws
- 6 With what may you slaughter
- 7 One who fixes a knife in a wheel: Is it permitted to slaughter with it
- 8 The length of the knife for shechita
- 9 One who shechts with a knife that is white with heat
- 10 Other laws of knives
- 11 What time may one shecht? The law of shechting into water
- 12 Not shechting into a pit
- 13 Animals that do not require shechita
- 14 The law regarding a fetus in the belly of the mother
- 15 That you may not slaughter an animal until it is eight days old
- 16 The law regarding (the slaughtering) of an animal and its offspring (on the same day)
- 17 The law regarding one who slaughters an animal that is in danger of dying
- 18 The law of checking the knife and its flaws
- 19 The laws of the blessing of ritual slaughter
- 20 The place of slaughter on the neck
- 21 The amount of slaughter- (how far must one cut)
- 22 With which species must one cut the blood vessels
- 23 The laws of “pausing” in slaughter
- 24 The laws of “striking”, “hiding”, “lifting up/tipping” and “uprooting”
- 25 That one must check the signs (the trachea and esophagus) after one has ritually slaughtered
- 26 The law if there is a puncture in the esophagus or the intestines before the ritual slaughter has been completed
- 27 That one may not cut a limb from an animal whilst still mefarcheset (post death muscle contractions)
The Law Regarding The Covering of the Blood
[edit]Unslaughterable Animals
[edit]- 29 The eight kinds of treifot ("torn" animals) and their mnemonic
- 30 The law of a blow to the skull
- 31 The law of perforation of the brain or its membrane
- 32 The law of a blow to the spinal cord
- 33 The law of missing a jaw or wounded gullet
- 34 The law of a blow to the larynx
- 35 The law of treifot of the lung and its lobes
- 37 Laws of Ababuot (pustules) and Sirkhot (adhesions) in lungs
- 38 Laws of the lung's appearance
- 39 Laws of checking the lung
- 40 Laws of treifot of the heart
- 41 Laws of treifot of the liver
- 42 Laws of treifot of the gall bladder
- 43 Laws of treifot of the spleen
- 44 Laws of treifot of the kidney
- 45 The law if it's missing the placenta
- 46 Laws of treifot of the intestines
- 47 The law if it there are extra intestines
- 48 The laws of treifot in the Keibah (abomasum) and Keres (rumen)
- 49 Laws of treifot in the Korkeban (craw)
- 50 General laws of punctured parts
- 51 The law of a needle or thorn found in a beast
- 52 The law of a bird that fell in a fire, and an altered appearance of parts
- 53 The law of a fracture or trauma in a beast or bird
- 54 Laws of treifot in its ribs
- 55 Laws of treifot in its legs and its branches
- 56 Laws of treifot at the junction of sinews
- 57 The law of a beast trampled by an animal
- 58 The law of a beast that fell
- 59 The law of a beast that got skinned by an animal
- 60 The law of a beast that consumed poison
Priestly Gifts
[edit]A Limb from a Live Animal
[edit]Meat that was Unobserved
[edit]Prohibited Fats
[edit]- 65 Vessels which are forbidden because of blood and the laws of the sciatic nerve
- 66 Things which are forbidden on account of blood
- 67 Several other items forbidden on account of blood
- 68 The Laws of skinning/plucking the head and birds
[edit]- 69 Laws of salting and rinsing - 21 Seif
- 70 The law of salting multiple pieces of meat together - 6 Seif
- 71 The law of salting the head, hooves and brain - 3 Seif
- 72 The law of salting the heart and lung - 4 Seif
- 73 The law of broiling the liver - 6 Seif
- 74 The spleen is ruled like other meat - 1 Seif
- 75 The law of salting the intestines - 3 Seif
- 76 The law of meat for broiling - 6 Seif
- 77 Birds stuffed with unsalted meat - 1 Seif
- 78 The law to not stick dough on unsalted meat - 1 Seif
Domesticated and Undomesticated Kosher Animals
[edit]Things that Come From a Live Animal
[edit]Meat with Milk
[edit]- 87 Which Meat is subject to the rule of milk and meat and what is cooking
- 88 Not To Bring Meat Onto The Table Where Cheese Is Eaten
- 89 Not To Eat Cheese After Meat
- 90 The Laws of the K'chal
- 91 The Laws of Meat and Milk That Touch Each Other
- 92 The Law If Milk Falls Into A Pot of Meat
- 93 Pots that cook meat shall not cook dairy
- 94 The law of immersing a dairy spoon into a meat dish
- 95 When Fish or Eggs Were Cooked In a Meat Pot, Is It Permitted to Eat Them With Cheese
- 96 The Law of Sharp Foods That Were Cut With a Meat Knife
- 97 Not to bake bread with dairy ingredients
[edit]- 98 The law of a forbidden substance that got mixed with permitted, and how it could be nullified
- 99 The law of bones, whether they may be considered to nullify forbidden matter, and forbidden matter cannot be nullified intentionally from the outset
- 100 A whole item cannot be nullified even in a thousand parts
- 101 The law of a piece that is fit for dignified treatment
- 102 Things with the potential to be permitted
- 103 The rule of ruined flavors
- 104 The law of a mouse that was found in wine or vinegar
- 105 The law of a forbidden substance that fell into the permitted]
- 106 The law of nullification in sixty
- 107 The law regarding boiling eggs with something repulsive found in the dish
- 108 Not to bake the permitted and the forbidden in one oven
- 109 The law of dry food that mixed with dry food
- 110 The law of doubtful treifah that occurs in meat
- 111 The law of treif utensils that mixed with kosher ones
Food of Gentiles
[edit]- 112 Laws regarding bread of Gentiles
- 113 Laws regarding cooked foods of Gentiles
- 114 Laws of alcohol and other drinks of Gentiles
- 115 Laws of Milk, Cheese and Butter
- 116 Things forbidden because of danger
- 117 Not to deal in forbidden foods
- 118 Laws of sealing food and how to send it with a gentile
- 119 Regarding untrustworthy individuals
The Koshering of Implements
[edit]That Which Gives Detrimental Taste
[edit]Libational Wine
[edit]- 123 Many laws regarding yayin nesekh (and which wine is forbidden due to yayin nesekh)
- 124 Who constitutes making yayin nesekh (libational wine), and laws of a gentile touching the vat
- 125 The law of wine produced by power of an idolater or derivative of his power
- 126 The law of wine mixed with libation wine and the law of flowing connection
- 127 Whether a man can be trusted to make his fellow's wine forbidden
- 128
- 129
- 130
- 131
- 132
- 133
- 134
- 135
- 136
- 137
[edit]- 138
- 139
- 140
- 141
- 142
- 143
- 144
- 145
- 146
- 147
- 148
- 149 The law of an idolaters' festival
- 150 Keeping distant from the ways of idolatry, and not bowing before it
- 151
- 152
- 153
- 154
- 155
- 156
- 157 For what mitzvot does one die rather than transgress?
- 158
[edit]Practices of Idolaters
[edit]Divination and Magic
[edit]Tattooing and the Making of Bald Spots
[edit]A Man Shall Not Wear a Woman's Garment
[edit]The Menstruant
[edit]- 183: A woman who sees a drop of blood must sit 7 clean days
- 184: Obligatory to separate from the woman before the Veset
- 185
- 186
- 187
- 188
- 189
- 190
- 191
- 192
- 193
- 194
- 195 Things which are forbidden when she is a niddah
- 196
- 197 T’vilah on shabbat; t’vilah during the day
- 198 Rules of barriers
- 199
- 200
Ritual Baths
[edit]- 203
- 204
- 205
- 206
- 207
- 208
- 209
- 210
- 211
- 212
- 213
- 214
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- 216
- 217
- 218
- 219
- 220
- 221
- 222
- 223
- 224
- 225
- 226
- 227
- 228
- 229
- 230
- 231
- 232
- 233
- 234
- 235
[edit]Honoring One's Father and Mother
[edit]Honoring One's Rabbi and a Torah Scholar
[edit]Honoring a Torah Scholar
[edit]Torah Study
[edit]- 260 Positive mitzvah of father
- 261 If the father did not circumcise his son
- 262 The time of circumcision for the healthy, sick and androgynous
- 263 One who was born and was red or yellow or whose children had died from circumcision
- 264 Who is fitting to circumcise, and with what you can circumcise and how to circumcise
- 265 The ritual blessings for the circumcision ceremony and the laws of a circumcision on a fast day
- 266 What circumcisions are done on the Sabbath and Holidays
[edit]A Torah Scroll
[edit]- 270
- 271
- 272
- 273
- 274
- 275
- 276
- 277
- 278
- 279
- 280
- 281
- 282 Treating a Sefer Torah with respect and the rules of its usage
- 283
- 284
[edit]- 285 The reward for the mitzvah of mezuzah
- 286 The places that require a mezuzah
- 287 Which opening requires a mezuzah?
- 288 How to write a mezuzah
- 289 The place of affixing, how it is affixed, and its blessing
- 290 Not to write it on the parchment of a sefer torah
- 291 Mezuzah - when it's checked and who requires one
Sending Away the Mother Bird
[edit]New Grain
[edit]Inter-species Mingling of Trees
[edit]Inter-species Mingling of the Vineyard
[edit]Inter-species Mingling of Vegetation
[edit]Inter-species Mingling of Animals
[edit]Inter-species Mingling of Clothing
[edit]Redemption of the Firstborn Son
[edit]The Firstborn of a Kosher Animal
[edit]The First Birth of a Donkey
[edit]- 322 Separating challah and the difference between challah in the Land of Israel and outside the Land
- 323
- 324
- 325
- 326
- 327
- 328 The law of blessing challah and for whom it is proper to separate
- 329
- 330
Terumot, Tithes, Poor-Gifts and First Shearings
[edit]- 331 The laws of giving them, where, and how a Kohen received them and whether they are deoraitah or derabanan
- 332
- 333
Taboo and Excommunication
[edit]Siman 335 to 403 are available at Sefaria in a CC-BY license, by Chaim N. Denberg, 1955, at the following URL, and should be imported to here:'ah.335?ven=Code_of_Hebrew_Law_by_Chaim_N._Denburg,_Montreal,_1955
Visiting the Sick, Healing, and One Who Is Dying or Deathly Ill
[edit]- 335 When one may visit the sick, which sick to visit, and how you pray for him
- 336 Laws regarding a doctor
- 337 Someone sick who has a death [in the family]
- 338 Confessional of a sick person
- 339 Laws of a Gosses (and the recitation of the Tziduk HaDin) and what are good signs
Rending One's Clothes
[edit]- 341 Someone whose deceased relative is in his presence on Shabbat or Yom Tov, and laws of the Onen (pre-burial) - 6 Seif
- 342 Someone who had prepared his bridal canopy then had a relative pass away, is obligated to practice Avelut (mourning) - 1 Seif
- 343 The mitzvah of escorting the body - 2 Seif
- 344 The obligation of Hesped (eulogy) and the enormity of its reward, and how and for whom do we eulogize - 2 Seif
- 345 The laws of one who commits suicide, one who is exiled, those killed by a Bet Din, and one who separates from the community - 8 Seif
- 346 Someone whose relative is crucified in a city may not remain in that city - 3 Seif
- 347 To not bewail his deceased relative who passed within thirty days of a Festival - 3 Seif
- 348 The law of burning (one's furnishings) for the deceased, and a person who said do not bury me (by use of my estate) - 3 Seif
- 349 The prohibition of benefiting from the corpse and its shroud - 4 Seif
- 350 Things that are done for the deceased that are not Amorite - 1 Seif
- 351 The laws of mixing (threads) and tzitzit for the deceased - 2 Seif
- 352 In which clothes do we bury and that a man does not dress a woman - 4 Seif
- 353 How the body is transported, adult or child, and in what kind of bed - 7 Seif
- 354 A city that has two that died, which one has priority - 1 Seif
- 355
- 356
- 357 The prohibition of leaving a dead body overnight and when it is permitted to leave it overnight
- 358
- 359
- 360
- 361
- 362 Burial in the ground and whether or not one can bury two people together
- 363
- 364
- 365
- 366
- 367
- 368
- 369
- 370
- 371
- 372
- 373
- 374 The impurity of a Kohen for the purpose of a met mitzvah, a leader, his rabbi, and over whom they mourn
- 375 When does the period of mourning begin and for whom one may move from one grave to another
- 376
- 377
- 378
- 379
- 380 Things that are forbidden to the mourner
- 381 The prohibition of washing and anointing for a mourner
- 382
- 383
- 384 The mourner is forbidden from studying Torah
- 385 The laws of greeting a mourner
- 386
- 387
- 388 A mourner on the first day is forbidden from wrapping Tefillin
- 389
- 390
- 391 A mourner is forbidden from all types of celebration
- 392 A mourner is forbidden all thirty days from marrying a woman
- 393 When can a mourner leave his house
- 394
- 395 Part of the seventh or thirtieth day is as if it was the whole day
- 396 The laws regarding a mourner who did not practice the laws of mourning all of shiva
- 397
- 398
- 399
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403