Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Yoreh Deah/340

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Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Yoreh Deah 340
190747Shulchan Aruch — Yoreh Deah 340WikisourceYosef Karo

Seif 9: Over all dead, one tears tefach from his uppermost layer of clothing, and that is sufficient. But for his father and mother, he tears all of his clothes, even if he is wearing ten garments— until he reveals his chest. And if he did not tear all of his clothes, he did not fulfill the mitzvah, and (people should) chastise him (to tear). And so long as he has this (non-torn) piece of clothing on, say to him “tear,” even after 30 (the shloshim period).

Seif 10: One does not need to tear an “eparkeset.” There are some who interpret that this is “sweat clothing” that clings to his flesh, and there are some that interpret that it is the outermost clothing that is called “kapah.” And the tradition has spread not to tear the “kapah” on the account of anyone who has died, even for the sake of his mother or father, but to tear for the sake of his father and mother also the garment that is called “kamizah.”

HGH: And in these nations, it is not customary to act thusly. Rather, we do not tear a garment made of linen, which is “sweat clothing,” and not the uppermost coverall. But all other clothing, tear for the sake of his father and mother, and for other deaths, the top clothing under the coverall.

Seif 14: For all deaths, (if he wants) tear with his hand (or) tear with an instrument. For the sake of his father and mother — (tear with) his hand. For all deaths, if he came to switch (clothes) within seven (days), switch and don’t tear (again). For his father and mother, if he switches within seven (days), tear all of the clothes that he switches, and he may not ever stitch them back together, just as with the first (clothing that he was wearing.. HGH: For all deaths, he can turn the tear to the back (so that it is not visible) within seven, but not for his father and mother

Seif 15: For all deaths “sholel” (HGH: sew a stitch which is not even) after seven (days) and stitch it well after 30 days. For his father and mother, stitch unevenly after 30 days and he does not stitch (completely) ever. And women immediately stitch unevenly because of their honor.

HGH: And all times that it is forbidden to stitch unevenly, even to bind the top of the tear with a needle, it is forbidden. And there are places which behaved stringently, even on account of other deaths, which do not stitch partially within thirty days, and then even the top of the tear is forbidden to bind with a needle.