Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Yoreh Deah/381

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Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Yoreh Deah 381
191559Shulchan Aruch — Yoreh Deah 381WikisourceYosef Karo

Seif 1: In what way is washing prohibited? It is forbidden to wash all the body, even in cold water. But [only] the face, hands and legs in hot water is forbidden, but in cold water, it is permitted. But if one is sullied from mud or excrement, one washes in his [normal] manner and does not worry about it. {Rema: And all this according to the law is forbidden only during the 7 days of mourning. But after that, it is permissible to wash. However, the practice nowadays is to forbid all washing all 30 days, and even just to wash the head, it is forbidden. And one should not change the practice because it is an old practice, and it was established by wise ones.}

Seif 2: In what way is anointing prohibited? It is forbidden to rub with oil, anything whatsoever, if one intends [anointing] for enjoyment. But if it is to remove scum, it is permitted. And it is not even necessary to say that because of health, too, [it is permitted], for example when he has boils on his head.

Seif 3: A woman who has given birth and is in mourning, when she needs to wash, it is permitted. And thus for one who has scabs on his head, it is permissible to wash his head in hot water, for he is no worse than an istnis (meaning someone whose body is cold and gets cold), for whom it is permissible to wash all his body. But not for all who say, “I am an istnis” do we permit [washing]. Rather, it is only for one about whom it is known that he is an istnis and that he conducts himself in cleanliness, and if he would not wash, he would suffer great pain and suffering.

בוגרת שאירעה אבל, כיון שעומדת לינשא, מותרת בכיחול ופירקוס אבל אסורה ברחיצת חמין כל גופה; נערה אבלה, אסורה אפילו בכיחול ופירקוס.

Seif 6: A woman should not apply eye makeup or rouge during the days of her mourning for all these [acts] are forbidden like washing. However, a married woman is not forbidden except during the seven days, but after the seven days, she is permitted in all in order that she not repulse her husband. A bride who happens to come into mourning during the 30 days from the time of the chuppah is permitted to adorn herself even during the 7 days. A post-pubescent woman who happens to come into mourning, because she is waiting to get married [i.e. she is at the matchmaking stage of life] is permitted to apply eye makeup and rouge but is prohibited in washing in hot water all of her body. A young girl who is mourning is forbidden even in applying eye makeup and rouge.