Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Yoreh Deah/69/Intro Ari Enkin

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Title Page, Intro and TOC from Dec. 2011 PDF file


מליחה יו״ד חלק א׳ ס״ט ־ ע״ח



Including a Summary Of Every Shach and Taz


Copyright 1998/5758 שנת היובל למדינת ישראל

Second Edition: December 2011

Additional copies may be purchased directly from the author.

Rabbi Ari Enkin

Rechov Nachal Dolev 31/15, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel

נדפס פעיה״ק ת״א ־ יפו ת״ו Printed In Israel

A project inspired by master semicha rebbi, Harav Daniel Channen, this translation of Hilchot Melicha by Rabbi Ari Enkin is being distributed by the author free of charge to semicha students worldwide in order to encourage the study of Halacha in general and Yoreh Deah in particular. Feel free to distribute, copy, or reproduce in any way but please include proper attribution and contact information. Thank you to R' Yosef Billyack for his efforts in making this project possible. An honorable mention is extended to R' Yonatan Pachas for his participation in the project, as well.

Readers are asked to understand that this current edition was the result of smart-scan technology of the original layman's translation of Hilchot Melicha, and as such, a number of errors and inconsistencies that have crept into the manuscript. A brief editorial review was done, however in order to expedite its distribution a proper and thorough editing was not possible. Nevertheless, its value and assistance to the semicha student is ultimately not diminished.

Rabbi Ari N. Enkin, a resident of Ramat Beit Shemesh, is a researcher and writer of contemporary halachic issues. He is also the author of the "Dalet Amot Halacha Series" (see: Each volume in the series discusses over 100 contemporary halachic issues and includes over 2000 references to the entire spectrum of halachic texts. For further information, to order sefarim, or to contact Rabbi


This sefer is meant to be used for review, as a guide, or as a reference to the student who is studying Hilchot Melicha most notably for the purpose of preparing for semicha. It is not an authoritative work on the subject. The Shulchan Aruch along with the Rema has been translated into English, as well as a summary of the main points of each Shach and Taz. Often, an accurate translation has been sacrificed for clearer context, and at times, the reverse. Certain words that have no accurate English equivalent have been left untranslated. One must realize that there can be nothing more damaging to one's growth in Torah knowledge than to use translations as substitutes for the original text. Never make halachic rulings from abridged versions of halachic works!

Much of the idea as to which parts of the Shach and Taz should be summarized and translated have been taken from the sefer Maarechet Hashulchan by Rav Pinchas Komfeld. However, in no wav, either in whole or in part, is this work meant to serve as a translation of that most valuable sefer.

My thanks goes out to Rabbi Danny Olgin. a very good friend who reviewed the manuscript, and worked hard to insure 1t's halachic and grammatical accuracy.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank three people who are responsible for helping me to be where I am today through their guidance and wise counsel. They have been Rabbeim. Madrichim. and most important of all - friends. To attempt to convey their greatness could only be inaccurate considering that ל תו״ have already described their qualities in Avot 6:6. They are (in alphabetical order): Harav Moshe Fuerst and family of Toronto. Harav Menachem Katz and family of Montreal, and Harav Avraham Plotkin and family of Toronto.

Last but not least, to my wife Shayna whose constant support and encouragement to this work has been essential. I can honestly say that any Torah that I have been zoche to teach since being married is through her support.

I can only hope and pray that this work will be as a drop in the ocean in the vast library of Torah works. I close with my thanks to the Almighty who has kept me alive to see this day.

Ari Enkin

Sivan 5758

Section Items discussed In Hilchos Melicha:

69 ................. The Laws Of Salting And Rinsing

70 ................. The Laws Of Salting Many Pieces Of Meat Together

71 ................. The Laws Of Salting The Head. The Hooves, And The Brain

72 ................. The Laws Of Salting The Heart And The Lung

73 .................. The Laws Of Roasting The Liver

74 .................. That The Spleen Is As Any Other Meat

75 .................. The Laws Of Salting The intestines

76 ................. The Laws Regarding Meat To Be Roasted

77 ................. The Laws Of Poultry Stuffed With Meat That Was Not Salted

78 ................. That Dough Should Not Be Placed On Meat That Was Not Salted