User:Zoeannl/Project guideline/Development

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  • Illustrators?

To Do

  • Tool bars
    • Be useful—remove hard returns within italics and bold; insert hardreturns with nop and formatting templates, Auntor link, the highlighted text should go into second (visable) space
    • Be systematic: Proofreading bar; User page bar; Author page bar?
  • Templates
    • why use …
    • standardise format - {{bar}}
  • How to:
    • Link to Wikiquote and Wiktionary
      • Add reference to Wikisource original text on "" ""
      • Add quote/word to "" ""
  • List of red links
    • Authors
    • Works referenced should be on Author's page. Adding to Authors page. Title rules.
    • Links to q & wikt. Vise versa?
  • Side by side preview