User talk:Dovi/Miqra according to the Masorah/Information about this Edition/Chapter 3

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̇̇Qof devuka?


At least twice in this text, the Hebrew term קו"ף דבוקה appears. I am having quite a bit of difficulty figuring out what it might mean -- online searches seem to suggest perhaps here we are dealing with a 'glued' or 'stuck' qof, whatever that might be. Perhaps it refers to a qof where parts join which do not ordinarily. I do not know.

I would appreciate any insight anyone might offer on how to translate this phrase. I think I will simply render it qof devuka (and I hope that is close to the correct pronunciation) until I hear otherwise. Smercdonald (talk) 00:38, 16 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have since found a description, and unless anyone objects, I will refer to it as a 'joined qof'. Smercdonald (talk) 22:11, 22 June 2022 (UTC)Reply