War Pictures/The Cavalry Charge
From "Alice of Monmouth"
Our good steeds snuff the evening air,
Our pulses with their purpose tingle;
The foeman's fires are twinkling there;
He leaps to hear our sabres jingle!
Each carbine sent its whizzing ball
Now, cling! clang! forward all,
Into the fight!
Dash on beneath the smoking dome
Thro' level lightnings gallop nearer!
One look to Heaven! No thoughts of home
The guidons that we bear are dearer.
Cling! clang! forward all!
Heaven help those whose horses fall
Cut left and right!
They flee before our fierce attack!
They fall! they spread in bruken surges.
Now, comrades, bear our wounded back,
And leave the foeman to his dirges.
The bugles sound the swift recall
Cling! clang! backward all!
Home and good-night!