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A Book of Czech Verse/F. L. Čelakovský

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A Book of Czech Verse (1958)
translated by Alfred French
"Winter Song", "The Bird" and "Tears and Sighs" by F. L. Čelakovský
F. L. Čelakovský3305309A Book of Czech Verse — "Winter Song", "The Bird" and "Tears and Sighs"1958Alfred French

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Jak mi smutna přichází
ta letošní zima,
jakoby se svět zakalil
před očima mýma.

Všecky cesty, chodníčky
sněhem zapadaly,
po kterých jsme jindy, milý!
spolu chodívali.

Však je mi tak všelijak,
všude mne to souží,
jedva že mi srdce z těla
ven se nevytouží.

Je mi jako ptáčkovi,
co na poli sedá,
a na sněhu, ubožátko,
zrnička si hledá.

Hledá, hledá zrnička,
ale nenachází:
tak mi také bez milého
zima ta prochází.



How sad the winter seems this year,
The sombre winter days.
As if the world, before my eyes,
Were wrapped in misty haze.

Now every road and every path
Is blanketed with snow.
The paths where once we two, my love,
Together used to go.

And everywhere I feel myself
With weariness oppressed.
For yearning eats away my heart,
And tears it from my breast.

I feel just as a bird must feel
That settles on the ground,
And in the snow, poor creature, sits,
And looks for seeds around.

He looks, he looks for seeds around,
But never finds he one:
And so for me, without my love,
The winter cold comes on.

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Má zlatá matičko,
ach, povězte mně,
co to bez přestání
pohrává ve mně?

Hraje to, zpívá to,
chvilkami skáče;
oč, že mám v srdéčku
zavřené ptáče.

Klec máme na půdě,
dojděte pro ni;
však my to ptáčátko
chytíme do ní.

Dáme je za okno,
musí nám zpívat,
když budem večeřet,
když budem snídat.


Oh, tell me, mother dear,
What stirs within my breast,
That flutters playfully,
And never gives me rest.

It plays there and it sings
Or leaps into the air.
I feel within my heart
A bird imprisoned there.”

Go up into the loft
And bring the cage you find.
Your little bird we’ll catch
And keep him there confined.

Then to the window-sill
The little bird we’ll bring.
At supper-time to us,
At breakfast, he will sing.”

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Kdyby všecky slzičky
pohromadě byly,
co jsou, milý, pro tebe
oči moje lily,
věru by se louky naše
všecky zatopily.

Ach, kdyby to vzdychání
pohromadě bylo,
co mé srdce pro tebe,
milá, vypustilo:
věru na věži by naší
zvony rozzvonilo.


The girl:

If all the tears were gathered
Together into view,
The tears my eyes have ever,
My dearest, shed for you,
I know our every meadow
Would swim in shining dew.”

The boy:

If all the sighs were gathered
And set together here,
The sighs my heart has ever
Heaved for you, my dear,
I know that, on our tower,
They’d ring the bells out clear.”