A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Wüerst, Richard

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3963743A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Wüerst, RichardGeorge Grove

WÜERST, Richard Ferdinand, composer and critic, born at Berlin, Feb. 22, 1824; died there Oct. 9, 1881. Was a pupil of Rungenhagen's at the Academy, of Hubert, Ries, and David in violin, and of Mendelssohn in composition. After touring for a couple of years, he settled at his native place and became in 1856 K. Musikdirector, in 1874 Professor, and 1877 Member, of the Academy of Arts. He was for many years teacher of composition in Kullak's Conservatorium. He contributed to the 'Berliner Fremdenblatt,' and in 1874–5 edited the 'Berliner Musikzeitung.' His works comprise five operas, symphonies, overtures, quartets, etc. None are known in this country. He died Oct. 9, 1881.

[ G. ]