Back to the Republic/Chapter10

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2336266Back to the Republic — Chapter XHarry Fuller Atwood

Chapter X


I HAVE striven to make clear the meaning of the words "autocracy," "democracy" and "republic," and have urged the importance of avoiding the extremes of either autocracy or democracy and the vital need of adhering strictly and literally to the republic.

If you have read this book carefully and are still in doubt as to the meaning of those three words, I beg of you to read the works of Alexander Hamilton, the words of George Washington, the teachings of James Madison, the decisions of John Marshall, the debates of Daniel Webster, the utterances of Abraham Lincoln, the addresses of William McKinley, and the Constitution of the United States, and study the laws of nature. You will then reach the conclusions set forth in this book.

When you understand clearly the meaning of the words "autocracy," "democracy" and "republic," you will favor the republic as the best form of government. It should then be your solemn duty as well as your high privilege to exert every effort and utilize every legitimate influence to assure a republic as the form of government under which you live.

If you live in the United States of America, you can do this most effectively by working for the election of executives and members of the legislative bodies, in nation, State, county and city, who understand the meaning of a republic and who will conduct the government in accordance with the plan of a republic.

If you live in some other country, you should work for the adoption of a constitution that will provide for the four elements which make possible the founding of a republic in lieu of the form of government which now prevails.

"Back to the republic" should be the watch-word of every patriot in this country, and "Forward to the republic" should be the keynote of every patriot in each of the other countries of the world.

The people of this country for their own good should get "back to the republic" as soon as possible, and the people of each of the other countries, for their own good, should move forward to a republic as rapidly as possible.

The sooner we get "back to the republic" in this country and the people of each of the other countries move forward to a republic, the sooner retrogression will end and progress begin.

The world conflagration makes this the supreme hour when all true patriots should examine their political compass, get their bearings, know where they stand and anchor to the republic.

The republic is the key to the solution of this awful, this tragic international crisis.

"In medio tutissimus ibis."
"You will go safest in a middle course."

"Αριστον μἐτρον."
"The medium is best."