This category is populated by {{PD-US}}.
Works in this category are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Pages in category "Author-PD-old-75-US"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,352 total.
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- Author:Samuel Francis Aaron
- Author:George Frederick Abbott
- Author:Achmed Abdullah
- Author:Annie Heloise Abel
- Author:Charles Edward Adams
- Author:James Truslow Adams
- Author:Joseph Quincy Adams
- Author:Lionel Ernest Adams
- Author:Ophelia Guyon Browning Adams
- Author:Henry Arden Adderley
- Author:Mary Prichard Agnetti
- Author:Avetis Aharonian
- Author:Herbert Austin Aikins
- Author:Douglas Ainslie
- Author:Sakkottai Krishnaswamy Aiyangar
- Author:Francis Xavier Edward Albert
- Author:Gordon Alchin
- Author:Herbert Lincoln Aldrich
- Author:Elizabeth Alexander Alexander
- Author:Lewis Grandison Alexander
- Author:Virginia Margaret Alexander
- Author:Alexander Alexandrov
- Author:Hervey Allen
- Author:Robert McDowell Allen
- Author:Winfred Emory Allen
- Author:Cyprian Alston
- Author:Frederick Irving Anderson
- Author:George Baker Anderson
- Author:Robert Van Vleck Anderson
- Author:Masaharu Anesaki
- Author:James Rowland Angell
- Author:Louis Kaufmann Anspacher
- Author:Mary Antin
- Author:William Arthur Jobson Archbold
- Author:John Roche Ardill
- Author:George Augustus Andrews
- Author:George Denholm Armour
- Author:Samuel Treat Armstrong
- Author:Edward Carleton Arnold
- Author:Antoine Marie Joseph Artaud
- Author:Linda Arvidson
- Author:Mary Spotswood Ash
- Author:Harriette Ashbrook
- Author:Herbert Asquith (1881-1947)
- Author:Margot Asquith
- Author:Matilda Ann Aston
- Author:Gertrude Atherton
- Author:Thomas Dinham Atkinson
- Author:Élie Joseph Auclair
- Author:John Auer
- Author:Otakar Auředníček
- Author:Ernest Charles Armytage Axon
- Author:Harry Morgan Ayres
- Author:Leonard Porter Ayres
- Author:Joseph Morris Bachelor
- Author:James Backhouse (1861-1945)
- Author:Jatindramohan Bagchi
- Author:Arthur Scott Bailey
- Author:Edmund Alton Bailey
- Author:Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey
- Author:Margaret Elsie Baillie-Saunders
- Author:Harry Foster Bain
- Author:Franklin Thomas Baker
- Author:Ray Stannard Baker
- Author:Stanley Baldwin
- Author:Gerald William Balfour
- Author:Susan Ballard
- Author:Frederic Bancroft
- Author:Solomon Dias Bandaranaike
- Author:Nripendra Chandra Banerji
- Author:William Bankier
- Author:Helen Bannerman
- Author:William Theodore Aquila Barber
- Author:Erwin Hinckley Barbour
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Dalgairns Arundel Barker
- Author:James Ellis Barker
- Author:Reginald Barker
- Author:George Stapylton Barnes
- Author:Louis Edward Barnett
- Author:John Hendley Barnhart
- Author:Julia Charlotte La Barre
- Author:Stephen Melvil Barrett
- Author:Philip Jerome Quinn Barry
- Author:Frederick Orin Bartlett
- Author:Robert Abram Bartlett
- Author:Frank Townend Barton
- Author:Benimadhab Barua
- Author:Annie Rosalie Waln Bassett
- Author:Charles Francis Bastable
- Author:Charles Clarence Batchelder
- Author:Harry Bateman
- Author:Harry Francis Prevost Battersby
- Author:Paul Maria Baumgarten
- Author:Karl Anton Baumstark
- Author:Clara Kern Bayliss
- Author:Rex Ellingwood Beach
- Author:Walter Greenwood Beach
- Author:Charles Austin Beard
- Author:Archibald Frank Becke
- Author:Carl Lotus Becker
- Author:Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones
- Author:Benjamin B. Beekman
- Author:Noah Nicholas Beery
- Author:Henry Beets
- Author:Arthur Kennedy Beik
- Author:George Belcher
- Author:Archibald Graeme Bell
- Author:Charles Alfred Bell
- Author:Maurice Frederick Bell
- Author:Thomas Reid Davys Bell
- Author:Perry Belmont
- Author:Władysław Teodor Benda
- Author:Ruth Benedict
- Author:Edvard Beneš
- Author:Ella Alvira Bennett
- Author:Ernest Nathaniel Bennett
- Author:Gertrude Mabel Barrows Bennett
- Author:Godfrey Rathbone Benson
- Author:Samuel Cranston Benson
- Author:Charles Albert Bentley
- Author:Elbert Jay Benton
- Author:John Milton Berdan
- Author:John Davys Beresford
- Author:Edward Wilber Berry
- Author:George Ricker Berry
- Author:Gladys Mary Bevan
- Author:Marcu Beza
- Author:Elizabeth Bibesco
- Author:Samuel Lawrence Bigelow
- Author:Harold Edward Bindloss
- Author:George Fraser Black
- Author:Charles Otto Blagden
- Author:John Otway Percy Bland
- Author:Gustavus Maximilian Blech
- Author:William Edwin Bleloch
- Author:Arthur Thomas Bolton
- Author:Frederick Bligh Bond
- Author:John Richard Henry Bond
- Author:Elizabeth Lydia Rosabelle Bonham
- Author:Edwin Bonney
- Author:Willard Bonte
- Author:John Manning Booker
- Author:Franklin Booth
- Author:Carl Tancred Borenius
- Author:Subhas Chandra Bose
- Author:Sudhindra Bose
- Author:Gordon Bottomley
- Author:Auguste Boudinhon
- Author:Édouard Bourdet
- Author:Henry Eldridge Bourne
- Author:Frederick Orpen Bower
- Author:Charles Raymond Bowers
- Author:Walter Prentice Bowers
- Author:Euday Louis Bowman
- Author:Ernest Augustus Boyd
- Author:James Oscar Boyd
- Author:Percy Holmes Boynton
- Author:Jeffrey Richardson Brackett
- Author:Godfrey Fox Bradby
- Author:Alice Bradley
- Author:Emily Tennyson Bradley
- Author:Rose Marian Bradley
- Author:Walter Parke Bradley
- Author:Claude Fayette Bragdon
- Author:Kathleen Annie Braimbridge
- Author:David Legge Brainard
- Author:William Theophilus Brantly
- Author:Joseph Braun
- Author:Angela Brazil
- Author:José María Zeledón Brenes
- Author:Joseph Keirn Brennan
- Author:Griffith Brewer
- Author:Morrison Parsons Bridgland
- Author:Robert Briffault
- Author:Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright
- Author:Abraham Arden Brill
- Author:John Francis Harpin Broadbent
- Author:Arthur John Brock
- Author:Charles William Brodribb
- Author:John Bromley
- Author:Charles Frederick Tucker Brooke
- Author:Zachary Nugent Brooke
- Author:Walter Henderson Brooks
- Author:Herbert Montagu Broughton
- Author:Albert Seymour Brown
- Author:Alice Brown
- Author:Calvin Smith Brown
- Author:Demetra Kenneth Brown
- Author:Herbert Runham Brown
- Author:William Baker Brown
- Author:Katherine Browning
- Author:Carleton Lewis Brownson
- Author:Henry Bruce
- Author:Lewis Campbell Bruce
- Author:William Cabell Bruce
- Author:Francis Bruguière
- Author:Nigel De Brulier
- Author:Charles Bryant
- Author:Anna Buchan