Certification of the electors of the state of Delaware

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Embossed seal of State of Delaware

Jehu Davis

The Honorable Jehu Davis, Esquire, Vice President, and Commander in Chief of The Delaware State (during the Inability, occasioned by Indisposition, of His Excellency the President), To all whom these Presents shall come, Greeting, Whereas in Pursuance of the Act of General Assembly of the said State, entitled "An Act directing the Time, Places, and Manner of holding an Election for a Representative of this State in the Congress of The United States," Returns of the Elections held by Virtue thereof, in the several Counties of this State, on the first Wednesday in the Month of January last, having been made, and duly inspected and examined before a Board of the Privy Council, it appears that Gunning Bedford, the Elder Esquire, John Baning, Esquire, and The Honorable George Mitchell, Esquire, having the greatest number of Votes as Electors, are duly elected: It is therefore hereby declared and made known, that the said Gunning Bedford, the elder, John Baning, and George Mitchell, Esquires, are duly elected Electors for this State, agreeably to the Constitution of the United States. In Testimony whereof the said Vice President hath set his Hand, and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be affixed to these Presents, in the County of Kent, this Sixth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine, and in the Year of the Independence of The United States the Thirteenth.


Ja. Booth Secr.