- Circumnavigator
- Circus
- ...
- Civil Service
- Civil Service Reform League
- Civil War, American
- ...
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
- Clemens, Titus Flavius
- ...
- Clermont-Tonnerre
- Cleveland (Ohio)
- Cleveland (Tennessee)
- Cleveland, Frederick Albert
- Cleveland, Grover
- Cleveland Heights
- ...
- Clymer, George
- Clynes, John Robert
- Clyster
- Clytemnestra
- Coadjutor
- Coagulation
- Coahuila
- Coal
- Coaldale
- Coal Gas
- ...
- Collier, John Payne
- Collier, Peter Fenelon
- Collier, Robert Joseph
- Collier, William
- ...
- Colophony
- Color
- Colorado
- Colorado Beetle
- Colorado College
- Colorado River
- Colorado River (Texas)
- Colorado Springs
- Colorado State Agricultural College
- Colorado, University of
- Color Blindness
- Color Hearing
- Color Line
- Color Photography
- Color Printing
- Colossæ
- Colossians, Epistle to the
- Colossus
- Colporteur
- Colquhoun, Archibald Ross
- Colt, Le Baron Bradford
- Colt, Samuel
- Coltsfoot
- Coluber
- Columba
- Columba, St.
- Columbanus, St.
- Columbarium
- Columbella
- Columbia (Missouri)
- Columbia (Pa.)
- Columbia (South Carolina)
- Columbia (Tennessee)
- Columbia, District of
- Columbia River
- Columbia University
- Columbian University
- Columbidæ
- Columbine
- Columbite
- Columbus (Georgia)
- Columbus (Indiana)
- Columbus (Miss.)
- Columbus (Nebraska)
- Columbus (Ohio)
- Columbus, Christopher
- ...
- Colure
- Colvin, Sir Sidney
- Colvocoresses, George Partridge
- ...
- Concini, Concino
- Conclave
- Concord (music)
- Concord (Mass.)
- Concord (New Hampshire)
- Concord (North Carolina)
- Concordance
- ...
- Conjuring
- Conkling, Roscoe
- Connaught
- Conneaut
- Connecticut (State)
- Connecticut (river)
- Connecticut College for Women
- Connecticut Reserve
- Connellsville
- Connemara
- Connersville
- Conning Tower
- Connolly, James Brendan
- Conoid
- ...
- Cook Strait
- Cooley, Thomas McIntyre
- Coolidge, Calvin
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Cooper, Peter
- Co-operation
- Cooper Union
- Coorg
- ...
- Cotopaxi
- Cotswold Hills
- Cotton
- Cotton-Grass
- Cotton Insects
- ...
- Coverdale, Miles
- Covington
- Cow
- ...
- Cowper, William
- Cow plant
- Cowry
- Cowslip
- Cox, Isaac Joslin
- Cox, Jacob Dolson
- Cox, James Middleton
- Cox, Kenyon
- ...
- Crab Apple
- Crabbe, George
- Crab spider
- Cracow
- Cradle
- Cradle of Liberty
- Crafts, Wilbur Fisk
- ...
- Ctesiphon
- Ctesiphon, Battle of
- Cuando
- Cuba
- Cube
- Cubeb
- Cubeba
- Cubists
- Cubit
- Cubitt, Sir William
- Cuckoo
- Cuckoo Flower
- Cucumber
- Cúcuta, San José de
- Cuddalore
- Cuddapah
- Cuenca
- Cuernaváca
- Cufic
- ...
- Cyclometer
- Cyclopædia
- Cyclops
- ...
- Cyrus (The Elder)
- Cyrus (The Younger)
- Cyst
- Cystitis
- Cystoidea
- Cythere
- Cytherea
- Cytheridæ
- Cytheron
- Cytisus
- Cyzicus
- Czar
- Czarevna
- Czarina
- Czarowitz
- Czecho-Slovakia, Republic of
- Czechs
- Czenstochau
- Czenmak, John Nepumuk
- Czernin von Chudenitz, Count Ottokar
- Czernowitz
- Czerny, George
- Czolgosz, Leon
- D
- ...
- D'Alembert, Jean le Rond
- Dalhousie, . . . , 1st Marquis of
- Dallas
- Dallas, George Mifflin
- ...
- Dannevirke
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele
- Dante Alighieri
- Danton, Georges Jacques
- ...
- Declaration
- Declaration of Independence
- Declaration of Rights
- Declension
- ...
- Delano, Frederic Adrian
- De la Ramée, Louise
- Delaroche, Hippolyte
- Delavigne, Jean Francois Casimir
- Delaware (State)
- Delaware (Ohio)
- Delaware (river)
- Delaware Bay
- Delaware College
- Delbrück, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von
- Deleb palm
- Delegate
- ...
- Denis
- Denison
- Dennison University
- Denmark
- Dennewitz
- Denney, Joseph Villiers
- Dennison
- Denny, Collins
- Denny, George Hutcheson
- Density
- Dentalium
- Dentaria
- Dentex
- Dentin
- Dentirostres
- Dentistry
- Dennison
- Denton
- D'Entrecasteaux Islands
- Denudation
- Denver
- Denver, University of
- ...
- Desmodium
- Des Moines
- Des Moines College
- ...
- Detritus
- Detroit
- Detroit River
- ...
- Dichroite
- Dickens, Charles
- Dickinson, Emily
- Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes
- ...
- Dictator
- Dictionary
- Dictophone
- ...
- Diemen, Anton Van
- Dieppe
- Diesel, Rudolf
- Diesel Engine
- Die-sinking
- Diet (meeting)
- Differential Calculus
- ...
- District, Congressional
- District Court
- District of Columbia
- Ditch
- ...
- Doniphan, Alexander William
- Donizetti, Gaetano
- Donjon
- Don Juan
- Donkey Engine
- Donne, John
- Donnelly, Ignatius
- Donnybrook
- Donora
- Don Quixote
- Doom
- Doon
- Door
- Doorga
- Doornboom
- Dopplerite
- ...
- Dordrecht
- Doré, Paul Gustave
- Doremus, Robert Ogden
- Doria
- Dorians
- ...
- Dougherty, Dennis J.
- Douglas (Arizona)
- Douglas (family)
- ...
- Douro
- Dove (river)
- Dove
- Dover (England)
- Dover (Delaware)
- Dover (New Hampshire)
- Dover (New Jersey)
- Dover (Ohio)
- Dover, Straits of
- Dover's Powder
- Dow, Arthur Wesley
- ...
- Drainage Tubes
- Drake, Sir Francis
- Drake, Franklin Jeremiah
- Drake, Joseph Rodman
- Drake, Samuel Adams
- Drakenberge
- Drake University
- Drama
- ...
- Dredging
- Dred Scott Case
- Dreiser, Theodore
- Dresden
- Dresden, Battle of
- Dresden China
- Dresser
- ...
- Drosometer
- Drown, Thomas Messinger
- Drowning
- ...
- Dulcimer
- Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon
- Duluth
- ...
- Eads, James Buchanan
- Eagle
- ...
- Ebbsfleet
- Ebenezer
- Ebers, Georg Moritz
- Ebert, Friedrich
- Ebro
- ...
- Eczema
- Eddy, Mary Baker Glover
- Eddy, Spencer
- Eden
- ...
- Einbeck
- Einsiedeln
- Einstein, Albert
- Eisner, Kurt
- Ekaterinoslav
- Ekron
- ...
- Elizabeth, Saint
- Elkhart