Horse shoes and horse shoeing: their origin, history, uses, and abuses/Index

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Absence of horse-shoes in Eastern countries, 7; South America, 10; Africa, 33; the Sahara, 60, 214; Muscat, 222; Germany, 470; Scotland, 508; among Mongols, 7; Spahis, 11; Merovingians, 158; on mules, 7; on hind-feet, 10, 77, 204, 289.

Abury, antiquities of, 247.

Abyssinian smiths, 358.

Adiga, Tartar song, 228.

Æthelbirht. King, laws of, 353.

Africa, system of shoeing in, 213.

Alauna (Alcester), smiths of, 349.

Aldrovandus, 67.

Alesia, Gaulish sanctuary at, 132, 338; relics found at, 124, 126,366.

Alexander III. of Scotland, 444.

Alexander the Great, 34, 83.

Algerian shoe, 217.

Alphonso, King of Spain, escape of, 223.

Alum, used to harden hoofs, 89.

Ambiht smith, 353.

Ambling horses, 424, 462.

Anatomy, studied by the Druids, 338; first treatise on equine, 463.

Anglo-Saxon MSS., 287, 352.

Anthony, Saint, of Padua, 358.

Antiquity of shoeing, list of writers on, 13, 81, 82; Pliny on, 41.

Apsyrtus, 74.

Arabs, mode of shoeing, etc., 215,; importance of smiths, 359.

Archbp. Hughes of Besançon, 373.

Armour, Gaulish, 118; horse, 26, 391; horse-shoes, a portion of, in l0th and 11th centuries, 165.

Arms, ancient, 337.

Arrian, 35.

Artemidorus, 35.

Aryans, 2.

Asuel, shoe found at, 185.

Auferrant, 165.

Baret, treatise on horsemanship, 461.

Bar-shoe found at Troyes, 145.

Basterne, or Frankish ox-chariot, 156.

Battle of the Vingeanne, 135.

Battle-flats, shoes found at, 287.

Bayeux Tapestry, 291, 409.

Beauplan, travels of, 227.

Beckhampton, ancient shoes, 246.

Bede, his account of Easterwin, 354.

Belgium, Gallo-Roman shoes found at, 186.

Bell, John, of Antermony, 225.

Berkshire, shoes found in, 286.

Besançon, museum of, 138; Archbishop Hughes of, 373.

Bits, ancient British, 239; Grecian, 32.

Blundeville, treatise by, 455.

Boniface, Marquis of Tuscany, extravagant display of, 440.

Borneo, funeral rites in, 107.

Bouda, an Abyssinian term, 358.

Bouley, Professor, on shoeing, 13, 560, 591, 592, 593, 622, 657.

Bourgelat, his ajusted shoe, 188; on farriery, 491.

Boutoir, 51,230, 457, 500.

Brass hoofs (figurative): Homer, 16; Micah, 18, 525, 534.

Breeds of horses: Vegetius on, 57; Blundeville on, 456; Sequanian, 140.

Bridges, Jeremiah, on farriery, 495.

Brighton Downs, Saxon tomb on, 283

British cavalry, ancient, 235; ancient horse-shoes, 240.

Bromton, Johannis, description of Duke Robert's journey, 441

Bronze horse-shoe, Gaulish, 128.

Bruce, Robert, escape of, by reversing shoes, 40, 401.

Bulls shod in Japan, 60, 90; in China, 93, 232.

Burgundii, tombs of, 181; antiquity of shoeing among, 196, 201, 336.

Burying horses with warriors, 104, 122, 226, 250; in churches, 113.

Busandals, 302, 311, 326.

Byrse, Celtic relics found in valley of, 177.

Cabiri, 363.

Caenby, tumulus found at, 283. Cæsar Fiaschi, treatise on farriery, 444.

Calc-rond, 277.

Caliburn, 344.

Camels, shod with leather, 27, 41, 42, 60; hide of, for horse socks, 60.

Cape of Good Hope, no shoes used at, 9, 33.

Carriages buried with men, 113, 126, 250.

Cartulary of Besançon, 373.

Cassivelaunus, 237.

Cast-iron shoes, 544.

Castration, influence of, on hoofs, 222.

Catullus, mention of mule-shoeing, 61

Celtic shoes, characteristics of, 141.

Celts, cognisant of art of shoeing, 366.

Changes in the art of war, 615.

Chariots, first used, 41; Grecian, 75; Gaulish, 123; ancient British, 235.

Charlemagne, 159; capitulary, 160; traditions, 161.

Charles II., escape of, 453.

Charles Martel, 159.

Charlier's method of shoeing,574,673.

Chatelard, 144.

Châteleys, excavations at, 129.

Chaucer, sporting monks, 279; Lombard horses, 430.

Chavannes, 167.

Chedworth, Roman villa and shoes found at, 256.

Childeric, King, horse-shoe found in tomb of, 99.

Chinese shoeing, 229.

Chivalry, institution of, 163; most glorious period in annals of, 428; origin of, 617.

Christopher, Duke, escape of, 401.

Churches, shoes on doors of, 387, 425, 451.

Circassians, 210.

Circular shoes, 145, 222; Uzbecks, 228.

Cirencester, antiquities found at, 259.

Clark, Bracy, on shoeing, 528.

Clark, J., on shoeing, 506.

Clips, toe, 170, 438, 494; heel, 527.

Clovis, 156.

Coal, not burnt near London, 410.

Cochet, Abbé, on horse-shoes, 142, 146; Frankish graves, 158; hipposandals, 299, 310

Cold shoeing in Arabia, 216; in Europe, 493.

Coleman on shoeing, 518.

Colum Zoba (Columb the smith), 350.

Columba, Saint, a smith, 350.

Columbus Coilriginus, 350.

Conderum, shoes found at, 264.

Contracted hoofs, cause of, 477, 499; cure of, 469, 496, 504, 527.

Cotswold Hills, old shoe found on, 255.

Courier, P. L., translation of Xenophon, and remarks on shoeing, 33.

Crécy, shoes from battle-field of, 148.

Crescent shoes, 497.

Crescentius, Petrus de, on shoeing, 395.

Cromlechs, 341.

Cutting, prevention of, 504.

Cuvier, on domestication of horse, 3.

Danish retreat from Schleswig, 621.

Date of invention of horse-shoes, 333, 338.

Dega, Saint, 350.

Delafond, experiments in shoeing, 568.

Denmark, antiquity of shoeing in, 207.

Dextriers, 428.

Dimetian Code, 268.

Diocletian, edict regulating payment of mulomedicus, 51.

Dogs, socks for travelling in snow, 27; buried with people, 122.

Domesday book, mention of smiths in, 354.

Doncaster, Lord, silver shoes on horse of, 442.

Doors, nailing shoes upon, 383.

Dove, remains found in, 412.

Drawing-knife, 505.

Druidical remains found at Châteleys, 130.

Druids, study anatomy, 338; suppression of, 153.

Duergars, 340.

Dull O Gwynedd, 266.

Durham, farrier to bishopric of, 379.

Earl of Pembroke, 507.

Eastern nations, antiquity of shoeing with, 210.

Eberhard, Duke of Wurtemberg, horse of, shod with gold shoes, 443.

Ecuyer, duties of, 163, 372, 428.

Edgar, King, laws of, 354.

Egwin, Saint, preaching to smiths, 349.

Egypt, ancient sculptures, 11. Elephants, remains of, in tombs, 226.

Eloy, Saint, 203, 356, 394.

Epomanduodurum, 123.

Escape of King Alphonso,223; King Robert Bruce, 401; Duke Christopher, 401; Charles II., 453.

Ethelbert, laws of, 278.

Expansion of the hoof, 465, 504, 508, 519, 528, 535, 539; evil effects of the theory of, 542, 630.

Extravagance in horse-shoes, 439.

Fabretti, 79.

Farrier, first employment of term, 379.

Farriers' Company, 454; strike of, in Paris, 623.

Felt, shoeing with, 348, 436.

Ferrand, Count, of Flanders, 166.

Ferrers, Earl, 292, 410.

Ferrier, 381.

Ferrière, family name, 375.

Fiaschi, treatise on shoeing, 37, 444.

Field-forges, first employed, 420.

File in Châteleys tumulus, 130.

First employment of shoes, 12; iron, nailed on, 98.

Fitting shoes cold, 216.

Fitzwygram on shoeing, 554.

Flanders, Romano-Frankish remains found in, 187; stallions and horses imported from, 423, 469; shoes, 186, 426.

Fore-feet only shod, 77, 289.

Forge, Celtic remains of a, 128; first mention of, 398; AngloSaxon, 352; Walterle Bruin's, 399.

Franks, possessed few horses, 155; scarcity of horse-shoes in graves of, 158; cavalry held in little esteem by, 159.

Frog, expressions concerning, 25; structure and functions of, 635.

Froissart's Chronicles, 419.

Fullering, Burgundian, 194, 406, 425, 504.

Funerals, horses at, 104.

Gallo-Roman antiquities, 171, 186, 336; monument, 149.

Gates, shoes on, 292, 383.

Gauls, civilization of, 117.

Gauselfingen, 192.

Germans, ancient, 189; horses of,; writers on farriery, 450: saying of, 385.

Germany, ancient shoes found in, 191.

Gillingham, shoes found near, 284.

Giordano Rusto, 394.

Glantes ferrei, 72.

Glastonbury Abbey, 355.

Gloucester, ancient shoes found in, 253; iron-mines of, 253, 354, 421; corporation seal of, 422; arms of, 421.

Gold horse-shoes, 62, 65, 228, 440.

Goodenough method of shoeing, 597.

Goodwin, Treatise on shoeing by, 530, 678.

Gorchan Cynfelin, 238.

Goths, did not introduce shoeing, 240.

Graves, remains of horses in, 105, 226; horse-shoes in, 192, 387; hipposandals found in, 299.

Greeks, ancient, 12; poets, 21; sculpture, 28; cavalry of, 615.

Grinken, Schmidt, 347.

Groom of the Rein, duties of, 266.

Grooms, influence of, 507, 512.

Grooved shoes, Burgundian, 194.

Guibert, 398.

Gwely Taliesin, 341.

Gwentian code, 270.

Hainault, antiquities found at, 187.

Halstatt, discoveries at, 335.

Hammerman's Corporation, 454.

Hannibal's horses, 59.

Hardening hoofs, 24, 49, 51, 55.

Harold, his complaint, 207; conflict with Danes, 287; horses in time of, 287; at battle of Hastings, 282.

Harrow on Bayeaux tapestry, 409.

Hastings, battle of, 282.

Hayes, English ambassador, 441.

Heavy armour, 616.

Heavy shoes, 221, 392, 438, 451, 468, 472, 478, 510, 656; disadvantages of, 657.

Heel-clips, 527.

Hemricourt, Sire de, 431.

Herophilus, the Druid, 338.

Hide, used for horses' feet by Tartars, 7,60; camels, 27, 42; Indians, 232.

Highworth Church, painting in, 357.

Hipposandals, 298.

Hobbies, 400.

Hobelars, 400.

Hobnails, counting the, 399.

Hod Hill, encampment, 261. Holland, horse-sandals in, 318.

Homer, 15.

Hoof-pick, ancient, 263.

Horace on buying horses, 44.

Horn, used for shoes, 93, 227; for armour, 155.

Hot shoes applied to feet, 551, 560, 670.

Hughes, Archbishop, 373.

Hunting, Xenophon on, 26; Old English, 279.

Imbedded shoes, 481, 574.

Importance of shoeing to civilization, 609.

Imprints of horse-shoes (supposed), 274.

Ina, laws of, 277.

Ine, King, laws about smiths, 353.

Inflamed feet, treatment of, 54, 69, 71, 463.

Introduction of shoeing and effects, 611.

Ireland, Priest smiths in, 350.

Iron works, antiquity of, 175, 336, 354.

Italian veterinary science, 395, 456.

Jamaica, horses of, 10.

Japan, absence of iron shoes from, 89; straw shoes, 90; horse-equipment, 92; bulls shod in, 60, 93.

Java, stables in, 9; smiths of, 361; riding mares in, 278.

Jekyl's shoe, 534

Job, Saint, 357.

Jodoigne, antiquities at, 186,

Jointed shoes, 449, 528, 534.

Jordanus Ruffus, 399.

Jura, ancient horse-shoes found in the, 171, 179, 336.

Kamschatka, dogs' socks, 27.

Kawe, the Persian smith, 361.

Keh, Gaulish, 128.

Kirghiz mode of shoeing, 94.

Koran, probable mention of shoeing in, 214.

Koridwen, 363.

Lafosse on farriery, 472; the younger, 494.

Lancaster, Earl of, 410; town of, Horse-shoe corner, 439.

Lateran, council of, 279.

Laurentius Rusius, 396.

Legends concerning horse-shoes, 272, 339; shoeing, 339, 361.

Leggings, 26.

Lemnisci, 72.

Leudates, the first maréchal, 370.

Lombard horses, 430.

London, shoes found in, 251, 427; Saxon, 276, 283; hipposandals, 313.

Longfellow, on horses at funerals, 110; on importance of smiths, 362.

Louis L, shoeing during reign of, 162.

Louterell Psalter, 400, 407.

Lunette shoes, 448, 469, 504.

Lycian shoes, 211.

Lynne, King Charles at, 453.

Machine-made shoes, 518, 543, 556, 537, 597, 606.

Manilla, stables in, 9, 49.

Manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon, 287, 352; French, 393, 433; Old English, 400.

Marco Polo, 8, 107, 227.

Maréchal ferrant, 383.

Mares, not ridden, 278.

Mareschal, derivation of, 165, 369.

Mareschals, early, 371; duties of, 373; frequent mention of, 375, 376, 378, 382.

Markham on farriery, 462.

Marshall, Walter, 377.

Marshall-ferrer, 380.

Marston Moor, shoe from, 455.

Mavor's shoe, 556.

Megnin, treatises on farriery, 13, 560; remarks by, 124, 145, 152. 165, 338, 627,628, 682.

Meopham, shoe found at, 392.

Miles, on shoeing, 544.

Mimming, biting, 344.

Mithridates, 34.

Mongols, do not use shoes, 8.

Monks, equestrian predilections of, 279.

Montfauçon, 35, 47, 79, 102.

Moonwort, superstition concerning, 388.

Moorcroft on shoeing, 516.

Morte d'Arthur, 343.

Morton, tenure of manor, 296.

Mounted horse, being shod, 37.

Mules not shod, in Abyssinia or Ethiopia, 7; disgrace to ride, 100; preferred by Romans, 609. Mulo-sandals, 311.

Muzzles for Greek horses, 32.

Mysteries, Samothracian, 362.

Mytilene, old hoof found at, 20.

Nail-holes, position and shape of, 667.

Nails, horse, first mention of, in history, 98; silver, 228; prices of, 406; number of, in shoes, 549, 668.

Napoleon, retreat from Moscow, 619, Napoleon III., Vie de Cæsar, 115, 135.

Nantes, old shoes found at, 145.

Navicular disease, 499.

Nero, employment of soleæ for mules, 64.

Neurotomy, operation of, 500.

Nibelungen, 203.

Nisbet, West, shoes found at, 423.

No foot, no horse, 5, 496.

Norman Horse-Shoe, poem, 271.

Normans, did not introduce shoeing into England, 240, 292; at battle of Hastings, 391; shoeing among, 390, 391; breeders of horses, 423.

Norway, discoveries in, 208.

Norwegians, extravagance among, 208.

Oakham, shoes forfeited at, 292.

Old Testament, no mention of horseshoes, 15, 18.

Oluf Kyrre, first Norwegian King, and golden horse-shoes, 208, 442.

Opening the heels, 450, 467, 493, 604.

Oran, shoe of, 217.

Osmer, treatise on the diseases and lameness of horses, 497.

Ovid, 17.

Oxen, treatment of footsore, 68, 71; shoeing of, 60, 397, 404; Welsh, plough, 270; used in farm work, 405.

Paix de Dieu, 165.

Pallas, on Cossack horses, 228.

Pampas, no shoes worn on, 10.

Panathenaic frieze, 30.

Pantoufle shoes, 469.

Partlêche used for shoes, 232.

Paring hoofs, 51, 53, 54, 457, 476, 486, 497, 501, 538; absence of practice among Arabs, 217; evils of, 630, 641, 680.

Parthenon, old hoof found at, 20.

Patagonians, 109.

Patrick, Saint, smiths of, 350.

Pavement for horses to stand on, 24, 51.

Pembroke, Earl of, on horsemanship, 507.

Persia, smiths of, 361.

Persian cavalry, escape from, 40.

Peruvian mode of smelting iron, 176.

Peshawur, shoes on gate of, 383.

Petrus de Crescentiis, 395.

Pevensey Castle, 259; shoe found at, 260.

Pigeon-toed horses, 9.

Pitch for bad hoofs, 56, 71, 327.

Plated copper for bits, 119,

Pliny, 41.

Plough, improved by Gauls, 118, 365; Welsh, 270; employment of horses in, 281.

Podometric shoeing, 560.

Pollux, Julius, on the horse, 50.

Pompeii, absence of shoes at, 83.

Ponies, Tartar, shoeing, 231.

Portuguese shoe, 223.

Post-horses, Roman, 48.

Prasatia, 257.

Prevention of slipping, 606, 663

Prices of shoes and nails, 205, 216, 267, 399, 402, 434, 497

Prices of horses, 1 56, 424, 434.

Pricking horses in shoeing, penalty for, 291, 434.

Priests, sporting, 279; obliged to be craftsmen, 354.

Prints of hoofs, legends concerning, 272.

Quiquerez, M., on horse-shoes found in the Jura Alps, 171; on so-called hipposandals, 323.

Rasping hoofs, evils of, 477, 671; how to be performed, 650.

Regin the Dwarf, 203.

Reversing shoes to mislead, 223. 401.

Rey, Professor, on shoeing, 564.

Riquet, method of shoeing, 560.

Roads, Roman, 46; Gaulish, 124.

Roman de Rose, 441.

Roman du Renard, 185.

Roman horse-shoes in Britain, 249.

Romans, first employment of horses by, 38; cavalry of, 39, 616; roads constructed by, to suit unshod feet, 47, 610; slowness in adopting improvements, 365.

Ruini, Carlo, treatise on Veterinary Medicine, 450; method of dilating the heels, 527.

Runic inscription, 197, 207.

Sacrifice of horses, 105, 107, 113, 12, 209.

Saint Columba, 350.

Saint Dega, 350.

Saint Dunstan, 355.

Saint Egwin, 349.

Saint Eloy, patron saint of farriers, 203, 356.

Saint Patrick's smiths, 350.

Samothracian mysteries, 362.

Sandcracks, 477, 479, 503, 522.

Sanfarouche shoe, 570.

Sarmathians, 155.

Saxon shoeing, 276, 283.

Saxons, indifference to the horse, 277; laws of, 278; hunting, 280; value of horses among, 281; weapons of, 282; graves, 283, 286.

Scarcity of horses among the Franks, 155.

Scotland, Roman shoes found in, 253; shoeing in, 289; bog-shoes worn in, 319; horses in, 434.

Scott, Sir W., on Welsh shoeing, 271; 'Bridal of Triermain,' 273.

Screw-shoe, 449, 496, 534.

Sculptures, Greek, 29, 88; Roman, 79, 82; Gallo-Roman at Vaison, 149.

Seated-shoes, 501, 512, 517; seat, or richtung, 188, 199,492.

Sebastian, St, 358.

Serpent, with horse-shoes, 366; in mythology, 368.

Sewell, Professor, discovery of neurotomy, 500.

Sequani, ancient breeds of horses of, 123, 140,324.

Shalokh, race-mark, 210.

Shoes for general purposes, 661; best form of, 665.

Sigmaringen graves, 192.

Sigurd Jorsalafar and golden shoes, 442.

Silbury Hill, remains found in, 241.

Silver shoes, 62, 64, 374, 440.

Single shoes found in graves, 192.

Size of old English horses 435.

Skids for wheels,328.

Smelting, primitive iron, 174, 336, 354.

Smith, Col., on shoeing, 82, 197, 207, 212, 213.

Smith, C. Roach, on Vaison Monument, 149, 150, 153; on Hod Hill relics,. 261; Saxon graves, 2,6; hipposandals, 318.

Snaffles, ancient British,' 239.

Snow, socks for dogs, 27; use of sandals in, 27, 319.

Sogron, shoes found at, 185.

Sole, protection of, 549.

Soleæ ferreæ, 61, 66, 85, 298, 306, 364; spartæ, 28, 35, 68.

Sollysel on farriery, 464.

Somal, smiths outcasts among the, 359.

Sonipes, as a designation for the horse, 44, 45, 46.

Sound of hoof as a criterion of quality, 21,23,44.

Spahis, unshod horses of, 11.

Spain, shoeing in, 223; supposed shoes of, found in Germany, 197, 199.

Springhead, ancient shoe found at, 247, 426; sandals, 314.

Spurs, Grecian, 32; Gaulish, 143; Roman, 263.

Squire, duties of, 163, 373, 428.

Stables, management in, 49, 52, 55; Xenophon on, 23; Columella on, 49; Vegetius, 55; in Java and Manilla, 9, 49.

Stallions, laws concerning, 160,435.

Steel, early employment of, 337; shoes, 606.

Stirrups in Tartar tombs, 227.

Stott, derivation of word, 409.

Straw shoes, 90, 93.

Stuttgart, old shoes at, 199.

Suetonius, 63.

Suevi, cavalry of, 190.

Sufflamen, 328.

Sweden, antiquity of shoeing in, 198, 207.

Switzerland, ancient shoes found in, 144, 167.

Syrian shoes, 217.

Tactile apparatus of sole, 652.

Taillefor, at battle of Hastings, 345.

Tamerlane, 225.

Tarentum coin, 36.

Tartar tombs, 225; songs, 228, 229. Tawarek, smiths of, 359.

Temple Collection at British Museum, 31.

Tenure of land conditionally on shoeing, etc., 291, 293, 375, 399

Terracina, road at, 48.

Teucteri, good horsemen, 189.

Theomnestus, a Greek veterinarian, 68.

Thessalians, 28.

Thorsbjerg, discoveries in peatmosses at, 208.

Thresholds, shoes nailed on, 383.

Timkowski, travels of, 8.

Tips, or half-shoes, 526, 674.

Tomsk, tombs at, 225.

Tools of Roman artisans, 51; Druids, 130; Welsh smith, 268.

Tournaments among Franks, 161; among Anglo-Saxons, 281; roll of, 437.

Tournay, ancient shoe found at, 99.

Tracks of hoofs and wheels on roads, 124, 272, 274.

Transatlantic invention, 596.

Travelling among Gauls, 150; among Franks, 156.

Trimarkisian, 121.

Trinal system, 266, 269.

Triquetra, Lycian, on coins, 211.

Trojan horse, 19.

Troyes, old shoe found at, 145.

Tryphiodorus, 19.

Tumuli, British remains of horses in, 112; of Alesia, 128.

Tunnels used as bellows, 174, 175.

Turkish shoeing, 221, 223.

Turner's shoe, 543.

Turque, ferrure à la, 543.

Unilateral system of nailing on shoes, 543.

Uriconium, fragment of shoe found at, 264.

Uzbeks, shoeing among, 228.

Vaison, ancient monument at, 149.

Varieties of breeds of horses, 613.

Vegetius, Publius, on horses, 52, 53.

Vegetius, Flavius, his military treatise, 59.

Venedotian code of laws, 266.

Veterinary schools, first in France, 471, 491; in England, 515.

Veterinary science among Greeks, 69, 74; Romans, 49; in 13th century, 395; of Caesar Fiaschi, 444; in Germany, 450; in England, 16th century, 455; in Italy, 456; in France, 18th century, 471; in England, 18th century, 496; modern French, 558.

Villani, Giovanni, bridles of gold and shoes of silver, 441.

Vingeanne, battle of, 135.

Virgil, 17, 44.

Vivisection, by Druids, 338.

Voburg, shoe found in, 185.

Völundr, 342.

Voluspa, a poem, 207.

Vossius, Isaac, 24.

Waltersdorf, Abbot of, 205.

Waremme, Châtelaine de, 430.

Wayland Smith, 339.

Wehr-geld, 205, 353, 372.

Welsh laws, ancient, 266; triads, 269; king's court, 266.

Westphalia, ancient sculpture at, 197.

Wheels, Roman, 45; size of Gaulish, 127; of British war-chariots, 239.

Wicker-work sandals, 68.

William of Tyre, description of Boemond, 441.

William the Conqueror, death of, 296.

Winckelmann, Abbé, 78.

Witches, charms against, 383.

Wood, travels among Uzbeks, 228.

Worth of horse's foot, in Welsh laws, 267, 269.

Wroxeter, 264.

Wurtemberg, escape of Duke, 401.

Xanthus, inscription on tomb of, 339.

Xenophon on the horse, 4, 21.

Yèbleron, antique remains at, 142.

York, ancient shoes found at, 249.

Youatt, treatise on the horse, 535.

Zurich, painting in library at, 358.