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Index:Lyrics of Life, Coates, 1909.djvu

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Title Lyrics of Life
Author Florence Earle Coates
Year 1909
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Company
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in June 2011

Poems (1898)
Mine and Thine (1904)
Lyrics of Life (1909)
The Unconquered Air, and Other Poems (1912)
Poems (1916) Volume 1, Volume 2

Pro Patria (1917)


earth's mystery 1
a traveller from altruria 2
indian-pipe 5
love, dost thou smile ? 6
the lark 7
"honor, not honors" 9
song : "sweet is the birth of love" 10
mother 11
benjamin franklin 12
leaders of men 14
helen keller with a rose 15
leave-taking 16
vestal 17
the house of pain 18
to-day 19
after the paintings by george f. watts
i. love and death 21
ii. love and life 23
april 24
henry wadsworth longfellow 25
before the dawn 27
ab humo 29
nocturne 30
a hero 31
amor creator 32
the mirror 33
of love 34
after the play 35
beyond 40
a farewell 41
to henry mills alden 43
song : "if love were but a little thing" 45
with breath of spring 46
a lowly parable 47
influence 49
the poet 50
l'amour fait peur 51
honor 52
eurydice 53
beauty's path 56
fritz scheel—a tribute 57
reproach not death 58
mars—1907 59
beside a pleasant shore 61
the sun-dial 62
retrospect 63
thomas bailey aldrich 65
the pilgrim 66
mother-love 69
"the sense of tears in mortal things" 70
an american at lincoln 71
affinity 73
two brothers 74
conflict and rest 78
i. asphodel 79
ii. gathered wild-flowers 80
dearth 81
mid-ocean 82
on the death of lady curzon 83
bereft 84
the martyr jews 85
le grand salut 86
inheritor 87
when you came 88
the young wife 89
song : "love never is too late" 91
the christ of the andes 92
earth's blossoms 93
echo consolatrix 94
john hay 95
privilege 97
däi nippon 98
a little song 101
the empty house 102
kindred 103
courage 105
cruel love 106
"each and all" 108
saint theresa 109
in memory of caroline furness jayne 111
After 112
the violin 113
per aspera 115
the hermit 116
thanksgiving 117
poetry 118