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Index:Report on the forest resources of Western Australia 1879.djvu

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Title Report on the forest resources of Western Australia
Author Ferdinand von Mueller
Year 1879
Publisher Reeve
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


Introductory Remarks ...... 1

I. Spontaneous Forest Resources of West Australia 2

A. Eucalyptus timber 2

1. Eucalyptus marginata 3

2. Eucalyptus calophylla . 4

3. Eucalyptus ficifolia 5

4. Eucalyptus diversicolor . 6

5. Eucalyptus loxoplileba . 7

6. Eucalyptus redunca 7

7. Eucalyptus cornuta 8

8. Eucalyptus gomphocephala 9

9. Eucalyptus rostrata 9

10. Eucalyptus rudis . 10

11. Eucalyptus decipiens 11

12. Eucalyptus microtheca . 11

13. Eucalyytus oleosa . 11

14. Eucalyptus longicornis . 12

15. Eucalyptus salmonopliloia 13

16. Eucalyptus- salubris 13

17. Eucalyptus angustissiina 14

18. Eucalyptus megacarpa . 14

19. Eucalyptus pyriformis 15

B. Timber-trees not Eucalypts — Casuarina, Agonis, Melaleuca, Frenela, Banksia Santalum, Acacia 16

II. Chemical and Microscopical Examination of Eucalyptus Wood 17

III. Cultural Measures to enrich the West Australian Forests 19

IV. Initiatory Measures suggested for establishing Forest Administration in West Australia ..... 26

A. Local Forest Boards ..... 26

B. Revenue from Forest Areas .... 27

C. Survey and Reservation of Forest Areas . 27

D. Disposal of Timber, Fuel and other Forest Products 27

E. Importation of Seeds and Plants 28

F. Establishment of Local Nurseries ... 28

G. Test Plantations ...... 29

H. Creation of a Museum of Vegetable Products . 29ILLUSTRATIONS.

Plate I. Eucalyptus marginata.

II. Eucalyptus calopliylla.

III. Eucalyptus iicifolia.

IV. Eucalyptus diversicolor.

V. Eucalyptus loxophleba.

VI. Eucalyptus redunca.

VII. Eucalyptus cornuta.

VIII. Eucalyptus gomphocephala.

IX. Eucalyptus rudis.

X. Eucalyptus decipiens.

XI. Eucalyptus microtheca.

XII. Eucalyptus oleosa.

XIII. Eucalyptus longicornis.

XIV. Eucalyptus salmonophloia.

XV. Eucalyptus salubris.

XVI. Eucalyptus angustissima.

XVII. Eucalyptus pyriformis.

XVIII. Fig. 1 .—Transverse section of wood of Eucalyptus marginata; a. vascular tubes, h. parenchymatous cells, c. medullary rays, d. ligneous fibre. -F.

Fig 2.—Tangential section of the wood of Eucalyptus marginata.

Fig. 3.—Eadial section of the same.

Fig. 4.—Stomata of leaf of Eucalyptus salubris. Both surfaces alike. 130,000 stomata to a square inch.

Plate XIX. Fig. 1.—Isolated organs of wood of Eucalyptus marginata, -r— a. Vascular tube, larger dots communicating with medullary cells. h. Prosenchyma. c. Parenchyma. d. Medullaiy cells. e. Transverse section of medullary cells.

Fig. 2.—Stomata (hypogenous only) of under-side of leaf of Eucalyptus marginata, 500,000 on a square inch.

Fig. 3a.—Stomata of under-side (hypogenous) of leaf of Eucalyptus calophylla. About 500,000 to a square inch. Size of stomata '0 1 5 to 0-025 mm. b. Pollen. 250/1

Fig. 4a.—Stomata (amphigenous) of leaf of Eucalyptus cornuta. About 120,000 to a square inch. Size of stomata 0.035 to 0.045 mm. b. Pollen, 250/1

Fig. 5.—Isolated cellular and vascular constituents of the wood of Eucalyptus loxophleba treated with concentrated nitric acid and chromate of potash, a. Parenchyma, b. Medullary cells. c. Vascular cell (tube), d. Prosenchyma. 250/1

Plare XX. Fig. 1.—Lower cuticle of leaf of Eucalyptus ficifolia, one areole. About 170,000 stomata to a square inch. 250/1

Fig. 2.—Tangential section of wood of Eucalyptus loxoplileba.250/1

Fig. 3.—Horizontal section of the same, 250/1

Fig. 4.—Radial section of the same. 250/1