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Index:Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men, 1916.djvu

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Title Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men
Author Various
Year 1916
Publisher Erskine Macdonald
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


H. D'A. B., Major, 55th Division (B.E.F., France) PAGE
Marthe 15
The March 15
Givenchy Field 16
No-Man's-Land 17
The Counter-attack 18
Joseph Courtney, Lieut., R.A.M.C.
"As the Leaves Fall" 19
S. Donald Cox, Rifleman, 2/5 C.L.R., London Rifle Brigade
To My Mother—1916 22
The Song of The Happy Warrior 22
E. J. L. Garstin, 12th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment
To the Rats 24
Lines written between 1 and 2.30 a.m. in a German dug-out 25
Julian Grenfell, D.S.O., Captain, Royal Dragoons
Into Battle 27
To a Black Greyhound 29
The Hills 30
Hymn to the Fighting Boar 32
To the Mussourie Race Club 34
Wilfrid J. Halliday, Private, 13th Battalion, West Yorks. Regiment
The Grave 36
The Awakening 37
The Red Cross 38
The Gleam 39
To-day 39
G. Rountree Harvey, 2/A.M., Royal Flying Corps
The Maid of France 41
Mother of Sons 42
Geoffrey Howard, Lieut., Royal Fusiliers
The Beach Road by the Wood 43
"Without Shedding of Blood ..." 45
England 46
Malcolm Humphrey, Lance-Corporal, A.O.C.
Hills of Home 48
Dyneley Hussey, Lieut., 13th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers
Youth 50
Security 51
Courage 52
The Dead 52
Joy 53
Mirage 54
E. Hardress Lloyd, Lieut., London Irish Rifles 55
John Lodge, Lieut., 8th Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment
God and the Child 56
On Zeppelin Picquet 57
To Our Child Unborn 58
"Edward Melbourne" (W. N. Hodgson, M.C.), Lieut., Devon Regiment
Durham 60
Before Action 61
Back to Rest 62
George C. Michael, Lance-Corporal, R.E.
An April Song 63
The Hon. Evan Morgan, 2nd Lieut., Welsh Guards
What of the Dead? 65
The World's Reward 66
Sydney Oswald, Major, King's Royal Rifle Corps
The Dead Soldier 68
Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori 69
The Attack 70
The Aftermath 71
The Battlefield 72
A. Victor Ratcliffe, Lieut., 10/13th West Yorkshire Regiment
At Sundown 73
Into the Night 74
Optimism 75
Alexander Robertson, Corporal, 12th York and Lancasters
"We shall drink to them that sleep" 76
A Midnight Reflection in a Hut 77
To an Old Lady seen at a Guest-house for Soldiers 79
H. Smalley Sarson, Private, Canadian Contingent
Raindrops 80
The Armed Liner 80
The Village, 1914 81
The Village, 1915 83
To Sister E. W. 85
The Shell 86
C. H. Sorley, Capt., 7th S. Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
Fragments 87
Prometheus Vinctus Loquitur 88
H. Spurrier, Private, Royal Warwicks
The Charge at Neuve-Chapelle 90
The Guerdon 92
John William Streets, Sergt., 12th York and Lancasters
Youth's Consecration 95
At Dawn in France 96
Love of Life 98
An English Soldier 98
A Soldiers' Cemetery 99
A Lark above the Trenches 100
Gilbert Waterhouse, Lieut., 2nd Essex
The Casualty Clearing Station 101
E. F. Wilkinson, M.C., Lieut., 1/8th Battalion, West Yorks. (Leeds Rifles)
Dad o' Mine 102
To "My People," before the "Great Offensive" 104