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Index:The book of saints and heroes.djvu

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Title The book of saints and heroes
Author Mrs. Lang
Illustrator H. J. Ford
Year 1912
Publisher Longmans, Green, and Co.
Location New York, [etc]
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 1041585010
Volumes Fairy Books: Blue (1889) • Red (1890) • Green (1892) • Yellow (1894) • Pink (1897) • Grey (1900) • Violet (1901) • Crimson (1903) • Brown (1904) • Orange (1906) • Olive (1907) • Lilac (1910)

Story Books: True (1893) • Red True (1895) • Animal (1896) • Red Animal (1899) • All Sorts (1911) • Strange (1913)

Other Books: Blue Poetry (1891) • Arabian Nights’ Entertainments (1898) • Romance (1902) • Red Romance (1905) • Princes and Princesses (1908) • Red Heroes (1909) • Saints and Heroes (1912)
Pages (key to Page Status)



The First of the Hermits 1

The Roses from Paradise 11

The Saint with the Lion 19

Synesius, the Ostrich Hunter 35

The Struggles of St. Augustin 50

Germanus the Governor . 6S

Malchus the Monk 86

The Saint on the Pillar 95

The Apostle of Northumbria 107

St. Columba 126

Brendan the Sailor 141

The Charm Queller 155

Dunstan the Friend of Kings 166

St. Margaret of Scotland i8S

St. Elizabeth of Hungary 196

Saint and King . 215

The Preacher to the Birds 241

Richard the Bishop 261

Colette 277

The Apostle of the Japanese 290

The Servant of the Poor 315

The Founder of Hospitals 326

The Patron Saint of England 338



The Miracle of the Roses and Lilies [See p. 206] Frontispiece

How St. Anthony met a centaur and a satyr ...... To face p. 4

The Roses from Paradise . . . “ 16

Synesius attends the lectures of Hypatia . “ 36

Crossing the river .... “ 90

The delusion of the Saint . . . “ 104

The man on the White Horse comes to heal St. Cuthbert . . . . “ no

Raphael and the Angels carry St. Senan to the Island ..... “ 162

The sensible woman gets Dunstan to leave his cell “ 172

‘Although he could not read, he would turn over and examine her books, and kiss those which she liked best’ . . “ 188

St. Francis preaches to the Birds . . “ 258

St. George rescues the Princess from the horrible Dragon . . . . “ 342