Index:Weird Tales Volume 36 Number 10 (1943-03).djvu
MARCH, 1943 Cover by E. Franklin Wittmack NOVELETTES FLIGHT INTO DESTINY Verne Chute 6 After all, he had a right to go where he pleased—even if he was trying to run down a lost Viking UNDER YOUR SPELL Henry Kuttner 72 Other mortals have tried to get the best of the gods, usually with disastrous results
A BARGAIN WITH THE DEAD Seabury Quinn 22 Would the watching dead enforce a vow made so long ago? NO LIGHT FOR UNCLE HENRY August Derleth 37 Is it possible for a dream to make a man do things alien to his nature—like killing? THE BOOK AND THE BEAST Robert Arthur 44 If there is no natural explanation to a crime the authorities will invent one, rather than admit the supernatural solution THE WHISPERING WINE Thorne Lee 51 Was there a connection between the ghastly babble of voices and those dead things in the forest? LIL Mindret Lord 64 It was more than superstition that made her strike him when he tried to open the old make-up box A BOTTLE OF GIN Robert Bloch 94 The doctor said there was gin in the bottle—or did he say djinn? THE WIND Ray Bradbury 106 He was tracked across the world by the damnedest, biggest prehistoric killer that ever hunted prey COREY'S CAT Harry Raymond 114 It was an ideal vacation spot; nothing to worry about. That's what he thought!
A VASE FROM ARABY Leah Bodine Drake 69 FROST DEMONS Joseph C. Kempe 93 NECROMANCY Clark Ashton Smith 105 SUPERSTITIONS AND TABOOS Irwin J. Weill 70 THE EYRIE AND WEIRD TALES CLUB 121' Except for personal experiences the contents of this magazine is fiction. Any use Published bi-monthly by Weird Tales, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Reentered as second-class matter January 26, 1940, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y„ under the act of March 3, 1879. Single Copies, 15 cents. Subset lotion rates: One year in the United States and possessions, 90ÿ. Foreign and Canadian postage extra. English. Office: Charles Lavell, Limited, 4 Clements Inn, Strand, London, W.C.2, England. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession. Copyright, 1943, by Weird Tales. Copyrighted in Great Britain. 173 Title registered in U. S. Patent Office. PRINTED IN THB U. B. A. Vol. 36, No. 10 D. McILWRAITH, Editor. LAMONT BUCHANAN, Associate Editor. |