Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/657

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Index. 625 Resolutions of Thanks tendered (Con- tinued) — , Commands of — Rodes, R. E., 424. Semmes, Raphael, 275. Sibley, Henry II., 231. Smith, E. Kirby, 431. Smith, Francis W., 426. Smith, Leon, 337. Stuart, J. E. B., 434. Taylor, Richard, 481. Van Dorn, Earl, 232. Watkins, Oscar M., 338. Wheeler, Joseph, 338. Wood, John T., 430. Cooke's Brigade, 430. Davis Guards, 424. Defenders of Fort McAllister, 339. Douglas's Battery, 430. Florida troops, 423. Georgia troops, 427, 429. Hart's Battery, 427. Lomax's Cavalry, 429. Louisiana troops, 422. McClung's Battery, 426. McGovvan's Brigade, 433. Mississippi troops, 426, 428, 432. Missouri troops, 16S, 480. North Carolina troops, 422, 424, 4 2 7. 43°> 432, 479- Officers and crew of the — Patrick Henry, Jamestoxvn, Teas- er, and other vessels, 231. Sumter, 275. Orr's Rifles, 433. Pee Dee Artillery, 433. Poague's Artillery, 432. South Carolina troops, 1 14, 427, 433. Surry Light Artillery, 433. Tennessee troops, 421, 427. Texas troops, 337,430, 480, 4S1. Virginia troops, 426, 427, 428, 429, 432. Women of Confederacy, 230. Returning Boards. A name given certain boards established by the Legislatures of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, respectively, to can- vass and certify the votes and returns of 40 election in those States. These boards were given both judicial and ministerial functions. They were brought into great prominence in the Presidential election of 1876. Revenue, Public: Collection of, on frontier referred to, 77. Discussed. (See Finances.) Rheatown, Tenn. /operations at, 402. Rhett, R. Barnwell, member of Presi- dential notification committee, 30. Rich Mountain, W. Va., Battle of. A battle at Rich Mountain, Randolph County, W. Va.,July 11, 1861. The Fed- erals, commanded by Gen. Rosecrans, at- tacked and captured the Confederates, commanded by Col. Pegram. Federal loss, in killed and wounded, 50; Confed- erate loss, about 200 killed and wounded. Richmond, Ky., Battle of. A battle at Richmond, Ky., Aug. 29, 30, 1862. The Federals, 16,000, were com- manded by Gen. Manson; the Confeder- ates, about the same number, by Gen. Kirby Smith. Federals were routed, with loss of about 5,000; Confederate loss, considerably less. Referred to, in proclamation, 268. Richmond, -Va.: Appropriation for post office build- ing in, recommended, 318. Army of United States threatening, defeated, 233, 241. Referred to, in proclamation, 268. Civilians in custody in, referred to, 3°4- Defense of, discussed, 201. Hospitals in and near, referred to, 407. Mails in, transmission of, referred to, 45 2 » 453- Martial law in, proclaimed, and or- ders regarding, 220. Officers — Employed in, referred to, 514, 552. Sick and wounded in, referred to, 5i9- Prohibition of transportation of food from miltary districts to, referred to, 401.