Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/658

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

626 Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. Richmond, Va. (Continued): Quartermasters in, number of, on duty referred to, 305. Restrictions on transportation of food to, referred to, 517. Seat of Government removed to, 117. Resolution providing for, vetoed, 100. Soldiers arrested or confined in, re- ferred to, 315. Threatened capture of, 544. Richmond and Danville Railroad, con- nection with North Carolina Railroad referred to, 212, 242. Rio Grande River, revocation of re- strictions upon commerce across, referred to, 317. Ripley, Roswell S., report of, on op- erations of, transmitted, 386. River Defense Service: Appropriation for, recommended, 196, 203. Appropriation to liquidate claims for, recommended, 314. Rives, Alfred L., report of, on condi- tion of defenses discussed, 201. Roanoke Island, N. C, Surrender of. Roanoke Island is on the eastern coast of North Carolina, between Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. It was defended by 3 earthworks, Pork Point, Weir's Point, and Fort Blanchard, all commanded by Gen. Wise, with 2,500 men. It was at- tacked by the Federals, with land forces, 12,000, under Gen. Burnside, and a fleet of 31 gunboats, commanded by Flag Of- ficer Goldsboro, Feb. 7, 1S62. The Island was the key to the rear defenses of Nor- folk. The earthworks were destroyed and the garrison captured. Federal loss, about 250. Referred to, 189, 207. Rodes, R. E., resolution of thanks ten- dered command of, 424. Roman, A. B., peace commissioner to United States: Conduct of Federal Government in negotiations discussed, 70. Roman, A. B., peace commissioner to United States (Continued): Correspondence between Secretary Seward, Judge Campbell, and commissioners, 84. Transmitted, S2. Nomination and appointment of, 55. 56. Rome, Ga., proposed railroad to Blue Mountain, Ala., from, 249. Rosecrans, William S., advance of army under, into Georgia dis- cussed, 346. Rost, Pierre A., commissioner to Eu- rope, nomination of, 57. Ruggles, Daniel, report of, on battle of Shiloh, Tenn., transmitted, 245. Russell, Sir John, mentioned, 351,353, 355- Russia: Confederate commissioner to, 76. Confederate minister to, commis- sion of, explanation regarding, 3"- Reasons for sending, transmitted, 3*5- Correspondence with, discussed, 28S. S Sabine Cross Roads, La., Battle of. A battle in Mansfield, De Soto Parish, La., Apr. 8, 1S&4. The Federals, S,ooo, were commanded by Gen. Banks; the Confederates, by Gen. Dick Taylor. The Confederates attacked and badly defeated the Federals, pursuing them 3 miles in their retreat. Federal loss, 3,000 in killed, wounded, and missing; Confederate loss, 2,000. Sailors Creek, Va., Battle of. A battle at Sailors Creek, Va., Apr. 6, 1S65, by Federals, under Gen. Custer, and a portion of Gen. Lee's army, as it re- treated from Richmond. The Confeder- ates, under Gen. Ewell, were surrounded and surrendered, with loss of about 7,000 prisoners, many wagons and guns. St. Charles, Ark., engagement at, re- ferred to, 238. Salisbury, N. C, civilian prisoners in custody at, referred to, 308.