Page:A treasury of war poetry, British and American poems of the world war, 1914-1919.djvu/14

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Rowland Thirlmere Richmond Park 218
Patrick R. Chalmers Infantry 219
Gilbert Keith Chesterton The Ballad of St. Barbara 220
Maud Anna Bell From a Trench 226
Guy Kendall Mopsus 227
Herbert Kaufman The Hell-Gate of Soissons 230
George Sterling Henri 233
Neil Munro Romance 234
Grace Fallow Norton The Mobilization in Brittany 236
Isabel Ecclestone Mackay The Recruit 238
Maxwell Struthers Burt Pierrot at War 239
Katharine Tynan High Summer 240
Grace Hazard Conkling Rheims Cathedral, 1914 240
Lieutenant T. M. Kettle To My Daughter Betty, the Gift of God 241
Sergeant Leslie Coulson The Rainbow 241
Lieutenant William Noel Hodgson ("Edward Melbourne") Back to Rest 242
Sergeant Joyce Kilmer Prayer of a Soldier in France 243
Chaplain G. A. Studdert Kennedy Solomon in all his Glory 244
Chaplain G. A. Studdert Kennedy War 244


Lieutenant Rupert Brooke The Soldier 245
Lieutenant Rupert Brooke Safety 245
Lieutenant Rupert Brooke Peace 246
Alan Seeger I Have a Rendezvous with Death 246
Alan Seeger Champagne, 1914—15 247
Captain Julian Grenfell Into Battle 250
Lance-Corporal Francis Ledwidge The Place 251
Lance-Corporal Francis Ledwidge Evening Clouds 252
Captain Lord Dunsany Songs from an Evil Wood 252
Captain Charles Hamilton Sorley Expectans Expectavi 255
Captain Charles Hamilton Sorley "All the Hills and Vales Along" 256
Flight-Commander Jeffrey Day To My Brother 257
Lieutenant Robert Ernest Vernède A Petition 259
Sergeant Joyce Kilmer The New School 259