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bulek [bulək, bolək], sb., a bump; small swelling or boil; sty, a b. on de ee [‘eye’]; blister; blain; vesicle, a watery b. on de skin, = blem(m)ek. O.N. bóla, f., bump; semi-globular swelling; No. “bola” also = bubble; vesicle.

buli [bull], adj., healthy; vigorous; robust, a b. lad. Nm. No. bulig, bulug, bulleg, adj., having a large trunk; corpulent; vigorous and well-grown.

buling, sb., see burek, sb.

bulk [bu‘lk, bo‘lk], sb., bump; knot; small hump; in a restricted sense, of breast; bosom; to geng wi’ de bare b., to go bare-breasted; put it in dy b.! put it in your bosom! — “under de b.”, in the armpit under the jersey, to bear [‘carry’] onyting under de b. U. bolki (boilki) [bȯ‘ᶅki, bȯi‘lki] (Y., Fe.) = bulk in the expr. “under de bolki (boilki), under ane’s b.No. bulk, m., Icel. bulki, m., Da. bulk, c., bump; knot. bo(i)lki might also be a mutated form *bylki. Cf. bilki, bjolk and bolk, sb.

bulki [bu‘lki], sb., a humpback. Un. Deriv. of bulk, sb.

*bull, *bulle, sb., measure for fluids, esp. for train-oil, = 4 kanns; see kann2, sb. “4 canis makis ane bull and 9 bullis makis ane barrell oyllie” (Rental of Yetland, 1628; see G.G., Ant. p. 178). O.N. bolli, m., a bowl; vessel, as a measure: 4 “justur".

bull [bul], vb., 1) of tide: to bubble; run rapidly; he’s bullin, a-bullin (Papa St.). 2) of fish: to play on the surface of the water; comm. No. bulla, vb., to bubble; whirl; well up; stream forth; Icel. bulla, vb., to boil up.

bulled, sb., see bolled.

bult, sb., see bolt, sb.

bult [bo‘lt], vb., to push; esp. of animals: to butt; a bultin ox, coo or ram. Sw. bulta, vb., to knock; beat.

buman, bu-man [būman]. sb., a

brownie. Un. Conn. Also boman [bōman] (Un.). “*bú-(maðr)” from O.N. bú, n., dwelling; household; farm.

bummel [boməl], bommel [bȯməl], bumbel [bombel], bombel [bȯmbəl], sb., 1) bubbling; seething; bubbling sound. 2) tumbling; splashing. 3) a splash; splashing sound, e.g. of a large stone falling or flung into the water; a b. o’ de ayre [‘oar’], a splash of an oar (Fe.; bommel). 4) a b. i’ de sea, agitation in the sea (Uw.; bummel, bommel).

bummel [boməl], bommel [bȯməl], bumbel [bombəl], bombel [bȯmbəl], vb., 1) to bubble; seethe; boil up; de kettle bumbels, is bumblin (Yh.). 2) to tumble about; splash, to b. trough [‘through’] de water (of one not very good at swimming; Sa.: bummel). 3) to tumble; he bummeld or bommeld atill a hole, he tumbled into a hole (N.Roe). 4) to stutter and stammer; to speak carelessly, making many mistakes in pronunciation or in the construction of a sentence (Fe., N.Roe: bommel). — No. bumla, vb., to splash; dabble; Icel. bumla (bumbla), Sw. dial. bum(b)lä, vb., to give an (hollow) echo.

bummer [bomər], sb., 1) object or living being of unusual size; Sa. 2) something particularly good and durable, also of living beings; used promiscuously as a laudatory term: shø (‘she’: de boat, de woman, etc.) is a b.; Papa. — bomen [bōman] (Fo.) = bummer 2. Cf. No. bumba, f., a bloated female, with bummer 1, further: Da. dial. bommerutte, Sw. dial. bomaråtta, f., a big, bloated woman. Cf. Sw. dial. bommad, adj., sleek (of fat cattle) with bummer 2.

bummi, sb., see bommi.

bun [būn], sb., see klednabun.

bund [bund, bound] and bundsman [bun(d)sman, boun(d)s-], bond [bɔnd, bånd] and bondsman [bɔn(d)sman, bån(d)s-], sb., 1) capable far-