Page:Arthur H. Harris Field Journal 1965.pdf/15

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1965 AHH Journal

9 Aug (page 2) motel bill as agreed, to come from Mus. of N. Mex. 10 Aug. Our house location at 803 Mamie Rd. is in the flood plain of the Rio Grande. Grasses, tumbleweed, salt cedar about. Inca Doves common about. House Sparrows here. Mourning Doves in valley also. Saw a roadrunner on Texas Western College campus several days ago. Sat. night the girls came over with a number of Bufo woodhousei from around the base of a light pole. On Aug. 6, coming down from Albuq., came across an Elaphe subocularis DOR on Interstate 10 near the Rincon exchange in New Mexico. 14 Aug. Drove north to Radium Springs, N. Mex., where got a cottonwood to go in our yard. Mockingbird, Gambel Quail, mourning doves. Have had a few (5) Museum Specials out for about 3 nites—got a Mus musculus this morning. 17 Aug. Lizards seen about include Cnemidophorus inornatus (arizonae?), C. exangris, & another (C. tesselatus?); also Sceloporus undulatus. Drove this morning to McGilligon Canyon, on east slope of the Franklin Mts. Crotaphytus collaris there. Veg. at upper end