Page:Arthur H. Harris Field Journal 1965.pdf/30

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1965 AHH Journal

12 Dec. (p.2) shooting a scrub Jay and a house finch. Also saw red-shafted flickers, numerous juncos. Saw a cottontail but unable to get a shot; Anita also saw one. Much pocket gopher sign and large numbers of pack rat nests. Deer sign present. Picked up a coyote skull along the creek (Rio de Arenas?). 20 Dec. Set out 28 Museum Specials and 2 rat traps in area east of new home, in Lomas Del Rey, El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas. This is a small housing development about three miles north & west of the Texas Western Campus, just north of Mesa Rd. (= US 85). Jornada Surface just above. Traps set out along the southernmost, of three arroyos draining into area just east of the present development. Many small rocks & occas. larger. Southerly facing slopes with heavy growth of Agave lechegilla, some Fouquieria splendens, & Yucca baccata. A very little Atriplex canescens. Acacia constrictor and Prosopis juliflora, partic. in wash, but some, partic. former, on slopes. 22 Dec. Took Tina & Becky with me and drove via back roads & levee roads to Las Cruces & back. Drove down Mesa to Country Club, that to N Mex 273 & then N. Worked back to Donovan (US 85) S of Canutillo. Drove US 85 to Interstate 10, then off to Vado