Page:Arthur H. Harris Field Journal 1965.pdf/5

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1965 AHH Journal

9 April (p.2) Made camp about 7 pm in the State Park area, utilizing one of the shelters. Cloudy most of day with a few drops of precip. on occasion. Temp. at El Dorado when we were there was 66°F. At camp, mostly grassland but with occas. groups of trees. Some scrub oak on slopes. Very wet, with pools of water standing on flats. Several access roads underwater. Farney, Andersen, and I walked more or less northerly toward amphibian chorus they could hear. Enroute, several Acris crepitans from edge of reservoir. From a shallow pool well above the reservoir, 1 Bufo americanus and several Pseudacris nigrita. Several of latter decorated with spots, but hasty examination indicates of this species. More Bufo americanus taken later from other pools. Both Bufo & Pseudacris were calling and I caught one pair of the latter in amplexus. Several egg masses, prob. (?) of this species, seen. I also picked up the carcass of a Terrapene, probably T. ornata. P. maniculatus and M. ochrogaster seen. Other animals captured by members of group include Rana pipiens (I also collected one of these near a Bufo in a pool near the reservoir), Diadophis punctatus, Chelydra