Page:Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 1.djvu/287

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Sampson Low and Co.'s

Price complete, with Texts Imp. folio, £3 10s.


Painted from Nature during his travels through Egypt. The first of a series of Water-colour Drawings in perfect fac-simile of the originals, mounted on strong English cardboard, large folio, 23 inches by 171/2 inches, with Preface and descriptive Text by Dr. A. E. Brehm and Dr. Dumichen. The subjects comprise—

Pyramids of Gizeh at Sunrise.

Memnon in Moonlight.

Temple of Isis.

Tomb of Sheik Ababde.

Nubian Child.

Barber's Shop in Achmim.

*** The Pictures are equally suitable for portfolio or for wall adornment.

Royal live, cloth extra, 10s. 6d.


By Paul Konewka, Author of Illustrations to Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," "Falstaff and his Companions," &c. The English Text from Bayard Taylor's Translation.

The illustrations are very finely finished Silhouettes.

Imperial 4to., cloth extra, 63s.


Eighteen Views printed in permanent pigments by the Woodbury process, with descriptive letterpress by John Harrington, author of "The Abbey and Palace of Westminster," dedicated by special permission to the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Windsor. The following are the views selected:—

1. The South Front.

2. The West Front.

3. The Nave, looking east.

4. The Nave, looking south-west.

5. The Choir, east.

6. The Choir, west.

7. The Reredos below the great east window.

8. The Royal Closet.

9. Cross View from South Transept.

10. The Rutland Chapel.

11. The Bray Chapel.

12. The Beaufort Chapel.

13. Oliver King's Chapel.

14. The Monument of the Duchess of Gloucester.

15. The Cenotaph of H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte.

16. The Oxenbridge Chapel.

17. Oak Panel Paintings.

18. The Aldworth Chapel.

Super royal 4to., cloth extra, 25s.


Twelve Photographs from the finest Engravings in the British Museum, by Stephen Thompson, with descriptive letterpress by G. W. Reid, Keeper of the Prints, British Museum. The following are the subjects—

The Drinker.By Frans Van Mieris.

The Cottage Door.By Isaac Van Ostade.

The Smoker.By Adrian Van Ostade.

The Dutch Ale House.By Adrian Van Ostade.

The Spinner.By Gaspar Netscher.

The Trumpeter.By Gerard Terburg.

A Conversation.By Jan Steen.

The Bunch of Grapes.By Gabriel Metzu.

The Village Ale House.By Adrian Van Ostade.

The Jocund Peasants.By Cornelis Dusart.

The Happy Cottagers.By Cornelis Dusart.

A Country Gathering.By Isaac Van Ostade.