Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/138

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eft tō earde,  nemne wē ǣror mægen
2655fāne gefyllan,  *feorh ealgianFol. 197a.[1]
Wedra ðēodnes.  Ic wāt geare,
þæt nǣron eald gewyrht,  þæt hē āna scyle
Gēata duguðe  gnorn þrōwian,
gesīgan æt sæcce;  ūrum sceal[2] sweord ond helm,
2660byrne ond byrdu-scrūd,  bām gemǣne.”
Wōd þā þurh þone wæl-rēc,  wīg-heafolan bær
frēan on fultum,  fēa worda cwæð:
“Lēofa Bīowulf,  lǣst eall tela,
swā ðū on geoguð-fēore  geara gecwǣde,
2665þæt ðū ne ālǣte  be ðē lifigendum
dōm gedrēosan;  scealt nū dǣdum rōf,
æðeling ān-hȳdig,  ealle mægene
feorh ealgian;  ic ðē ful-lǣstu.”
Æfter ðām wordum  wyrm yrre cwōm,
2670atol inwit-gæst,  ōðre sīðe
fȳr-wylmum fāh  fīonda nīos[i]an,[3]
lāðra manna.  Līg-ȳðum forborn
bord wið rond;  byrne ne meahte
geongum gār-wigan  gēoce gefremman;
2675ac se maga geonga  under his mǣges scyld

  1. 2655. The numbers of the folios are given as they stand in the MS. Fol. 131 follows fol. 146. “The old number of this leaf is 197; but now it stands between 188 and 189, and the old number has been changed to 189 in pencil.”—Z.
  2. 2659. MS. ‘ð·sceal· urū:ð̦’; Zupitza ‘urum sceal,’ and in a foot-note:sceal within dots and with a ð before it added in the left margin, whereas a ð over a colon with a comma under it marks the place in the line where it is to be inserted.” From a misunderstanding of this device have arisen the frequent misreadings of this line.
  3. 2671. MS. defective at edge, here and in ll. 2676, 2678.