Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1264

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Cong. El. Cas.
Cox Ch.

Cong. El. Cas. Cases. Congressional Election Cong. Rec.Congressional Record, Washington. Conk. Adm. Conkling's Admiralty. Conn. Connecticut;—Connecticut Reports; Connoly, New York, Surrogate. Conover. Conover's Reports, vols. 16-106 Wisconsin. Cour. Conroy's Custodian Reports. Consist. Rep. English Consistorial Reports, by Haggard. Consolid. Ord. Consolidated General Orders in Chancery. Const. Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Mill;-Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Treadway;—Constitutional Reports, vol. 1 South Carolina, by Harper. Const. Hist. Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Const. N. S. Constitutional Reports (Mill), South Carolina, New Series. Const. Oth. Constitutiones Othoni (found at the end of Lyndewood's Provinciale). Const. S. C. Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, printed by Treadway. Const. S. C. N. S. South Carolina Constitutional Reports, New Series, printed by Mill. Const. U. S. Constitution of the United States. Coo. & Al. Cooke & Alcock's Irish King's Bench Reports. Cook V. Adm. Cook's Vice Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Cooke. Cooke's Cases of Practice, English Common Pleas;—Cooke's Reports, Tennessee. Cooke, Incl. Acts. Cooke's Inclosure Acts. Cooke Pr. Cas. Cooke's Practice Reports, English Common Pleas. Cooke Pr. Reg. Cooke's Practical Register of the Common Pleas. Cooke & Al. (or Alc.). Cooke & Alcock's Reports, Irish King's Bench. Cooley. Cooley's Reports, vols. 5-12 Michigan. Cooley, Const. Lim. Cooley on Constitutional Limitations. Cooley, Tax. Cooley on Taxation. Cooley, Torts. Cooley on Torts. Coop. Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports;-Cooper's Reports, vols. 21-24 Florida;—Cooper's English Chancery Reports tempore Eldon; Cooper's English Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham;—Cooper's English Chancery Reports tempore Brougham;—Cooper's English Practice Cases, Chancery. Coop. C. C. (or Cas.). Cooper's Chancery Cases tempore Cottenham. Coop. C. & P. R. Cooper's Chancery and Practice Reporter, Upper Canada. Coop. Ch. Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Co-op. Dig. Co-operative Digest, United States Reports.

Coop. Eq. Pl. Cooper's Equity Pleading. Coop. Pr. Cas. Cooper's Practice Cases, English Chancery. Coop. Sel. Cas. Cooper's Select Cases tempore Eldon, English Chancery. Coop. t. Br. Cooper's Cases tempore Brougham. Coop. t. Cott. Cooper's Cases tempore Cottenham, English Chancery. Coop. t. Eld. Cooper's Cases tempore Eldon, English Chancery. Coop. Tenn. Ch.Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Cooper. Cooper's English Chancery. Coote, Ecc. Pr. Coote's Ecclesiastical Practice. Coote, Mortg. Coote on Mortgages. Coote, Prob. Pr. Coote's Probate Practice. Cope. Cope's Reports, vols. 63-72 California. Copp L. L. Copp's Public Land Laws. Copp Land. Copp's Land Office Decisions. Copp Min. Dec. Copp's United States Mining Decisions. Cor. Coram;—Coryton's Bengal Reports. Corb. & Dan. Corbett & Daniell's English Election Cases. Corp. Jur. Can. Corpus Juris Canonici. Corp. Jur. Civ. Corpus Juris Civilis. Cory. Coryton's Reports, Calcutta. Coup. (or Coup. Just.). Cou. Couper's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Couper's Justiclary Reports, Scotland. Court Sess. Ca. Court of Sessions Cases, Scotch. Court. & Macl. Courtnay & Maclean's Scotch Appeals (6 and 7 Wilson and Shaw). Cout. Dig. Coutlée's Digest, Canada Supreme Court. Cow. Cowen's New York Reports;—Cowper's English King's Bench Reports. Cow. Cr. Dig. Cowen's Criminal Digest. Cow. Cr. Rep. Cowen's Criminal Reports, New York. Cow. Dic. Cowell's Law Dictionary. Cow. Dig. Cowell's East India Digest. Cow. Int. Cowell's Interpreter. Cow. N. Y. Cowen's New York Reports. Cowell. Cowell's Law Dictionary;—Cowell's Interpreter. Cowp. Cowper's English King's Bench Reports. Cowp. Cas. Cowper's Cases (in the third volume of Reports in Chancery). Cox. Cox's English Chancery Reports;— Cox's English Criminal Cases;-Cox's Reports, vols. 25-27 Arkansas. Cox Am. T. M. Cas. Cox's American Trade-Mark Cases. Cox C. C. Cox's English Criminal Cases; —Cox's Crown Cases;-Cox's County Court Cases. Cox Ch. Cox's English Chancery Cases