Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1274

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N Fox-x-est. Eon-est's Reports, English Ex- cnequer. Fox-s. Cas. & Op. Eorsytlrs Cases Opinions on Constitutional Law.


Fort. Fortescue's English’s Bench, Reports.

0 Fortes. Fortescue's Reports, English Courts.

Fortes. de Land. Le-gum Auglloe.

Fortescue, De Laudibus

. Forum. Forum (periodlcai). Baltimore P and New York. Foss, Jndg. Foss’ Judges of England.

Font. l<‘oste1‘s Engilsh Crown Law or Crown Cases;—Foster's New Hampshire Repc-11s;—l<‘oster‘s Legal Chronicle Reports,

0 Pen.usylvnnia;—Foster's Reports, vois. 5, 6 and 8 llawnil.

Fest. Cr. Law. Foster. Crown Law.

Post. on sci. Fa. Foster on the Writ of Scire Fncias.

R Post. & Pin. Foster & Flnlason's English Nisi Prlus Reports.

Foster. Foster's Euzzlish Crown LnW;— Legal Chronicle Reports (Pennsylvani.-1), edited by Foster;—Foster's New Hampshire Re-

S ports.

Fuunt. Fonntainhalrs Decisions, Scotch Court of Session.

Fowl. L. Cns. Collleries.

_ Fox. Fox’: Reports, English. r Fox Reg. Ca. Fox's Registration Cases.

Pox & Sm. Fox & Smith's Irish King‘: Bench Reports.

Fr. Freeman's English King's Bench and Chancery Reports;-—]i‘m-gnzent.

U 1266

Fowler's Leading Cases on



I‘:-. Ch. F1-eemnn's English Chancery Reports :—Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Reports.

P1-.1-1. C. Frnser‘s Election Gases.

Fra.n.1VIax. Francis‘ Maxims of Equity.

I'1'nnc.Jndg. F1-ancillon‘s Judgments,

County Coons.

France. France's Reports, vols. 3-l1 Colorado.

I‘:-n.I.E1ec.Cn.s. Fraser's English Election Cases.

Fraser. Fraser's English Cases of Con-

trove:-led Elections.

run. (or Frnz. Ad.m.). Frazer’: Admi- ruity Cases, etc.. Scotland.

Free. Freen1an’s English King's Bench Reports, vol. 1 Freeman's K1ng‘s Bench Ileports and voi. 2 Freeman's Chancery Reports. See also Freem.

I‘)-ee.Cl1. Free-man's English Chancery Reporta;—Freenian's I\IiSSiSSl[)i)i Chancery Reports.

I‘:-eem. (IIL). Freeman's Reports, Iilinols.

I‘:-eern. C. C. ]i‘reemnn's English Chacnery Cases.

I‘:-aem. Compar. Politics. Comparative Politics.

I‘:-eem. Jndgm. Freeman on Judgments.

F1-eem. K. B. Freeman's English King's Bench Reports.

Fries Tr. Trial of John Fries (Treason).

I‘:-ith. Opinions Attorneys-General, pt. 2, voi. 21.

Full 3.11.. Full Bench Rulings, Bengal (or Northwestern Provinces).


Fuller. Fuiler‘s Reports, vols. 5E¥lU5 Michigan. Fulton. Fulton's Reports, BengaL