Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/48

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ADMORTIZATION. The reduction of property of lands or tenements to mortmain, in the feudal customs.

ADM'R. This abbreviation will be judicially presumed to mean "administrator." Moseley v. Mastin. 37 Ala. 216, 221.

ADNEPOS. The son of a great-great-grandson. Calvin.

ADNEPTIS. The daughter of a great-great-granddaughter. Calvin.

ADNICHILED. Annulled, cancelled, made void. 28 Hen. VIII.

ADNIHILARE. In old English law. To iiiinul; to make void; (.0 reduce to nothing: to treat as nothing; to hold as or for nought.

ADNOTATIO. In the civil law. The subscription of a name or signature to an instruineiii‘. Cod. 4, I9. 5. 'i'.

A rescript of the prince or emperor. signed with his uWiJ hand, or sign-manual. God. 1. 19. ]. "In the iinpeiial law, casual homicide was EX(‘ll\£'iI by the indulgence of the emperor. signed \\il'I1 his own Sign-manual. uimutatione p-n'uu'(ii.9." -1 Bl. Comm. 187.

ADOLESCENCE. That age which follows pnbeit) nnil iii'e('e-des the age of majority. It commences for niaies at 14, and for females at 12 years completed, and contiuii--, tiii 21 years complete.

ADOPT. To accept, appropriate, choose, or seiert: to make that one‘s own (property or act) which was not so originally.

To iulopi in route for the tr-insportation of ihe m-iii means to take the sieps l'iP(‘('--flly to rm «r the niaii to be transiiorti-rl over that route. l-.1-'-i‘~s r. U. S. Dev. Ct. C]. To adopt 8. ('\...|llfl('t is 10 accept it ns biii ng. notwith- standing some defect which entities the pnrty to repudiate it. Thus, when I1 person stlirms I! re‘ lahie. coiitriiet, or ratihes a contract made by bis "clil beyond his authority. he is said to adopt it‘. Swr-et.

To accept, consent to, and put into effecthe on ~r.ition: as in the case of a constitulioii. cousiitiitioniil niiiendment, of iliiiauce, or bi-law. Re'ii r. Propie, 42 N. Y. ""7; People v. Nolioii. Iiarb. (N. 1'.) 191.

'lo finite into one‘s f.iniiiy the child of an- oili~ r and giie him or her the rights, priviien , and duties of a child and heir Sinte v JIl(.‘l|iS(\i|. 13 la. Ann. 51 n' Abney v De Lo""h "L Aia. 351.1. 4 South 7.ii; In re Sessin . ' I "tale 70 \[ich. 297, 38 N. W. 349. ]-i Jun. \'t Rep. 5100', Smith v. Alien, 32 .\]-p. Dir 374. 53 N. 3. Supp. 114.

Adoption of children ¥\ : a thin: unknown to the l'Dlill'T|OD iiiw_ but was 11 far -liar prm-I ice under the R(iii1zlu law and in tho -~ (!()lll][l'lCS ii‘ ‘e thi rirli law |-r=-\.ail . i I-'r2iiire and Spain. l\Io<l1-rn si-itiilis auilioi-izing ndhpiion lll'i‘ tiilmn from the ('I\ a law, and to that extent mmiifv the ruins of the (-nminon iavi as to the sin «ion of property. Biittnrfieid v. S wyer. lb. . 5"". 'i‘l N. E. 002. 52 L. R. 4. . 79 Am. St Rep. 246; iilal . Corninagere, 13 IA. Ann. 516: Eckford v. Knox, 67 Tex. 200. 2 S. W. 372.

—Adoption and legitimation. propery speaking, refers only to persons who are strangers in blood and is not synony- mous with "‘legitimation, which refers to persons of the same biood. WhL-re one acknowl- edges his illegitimate child and tzLkos_it into his family and treats it as if _it "ere legitimate, it is not properly an "sdoption" bn D. "legitimation." Blythe v. Ayres. 96 Cal. 3 2. 915, 19 L. IL A. 40.

To accept an alien as a citizen or member of a community or state and invest him with C01'l esponding rights and pi-iviit-gos. either (in general and untediiiiull Ilflriallktl) by natliralization, or ‘by an act eiiuiraient to natni-ali ition, as where a white man is "nflopted" lay an iiidian tribe. iiamiiton v. Mays, 4 Ind. T. 503, 69 S. W. 1115.


ADOPTION. The act of one a ho takes unothei-‘s cbiid into his oun fAIll.lll_V, treating him as his own, and giving him all the righte and dill s of his own chiid. A _]u- ridical act cr ting betheen two persons certain reiations, purely civil, of pai.e1'nity and fiiiiition. 6 Demo]. 5 1.

ADOPTIVE ACT. An not of legislation which comes into 0il(‘X‘lllIOl] within a liiuited area upon being adopted, in manner prescribed flierein, by the inhabitants of that area.

ADOPTIVUS. Lat Adoptive. Applied both to the parent adopting, and the child adopted. Inst. 2, 13, 4; Id. 3, 1, lfkli.

ADPROMISSOR. In the (ill i1 and Scotch law. A guarantor. surety, or cautioner: a perniiar species of firirjilssai-; one who adds his own promise to the promise given by the principal debtor, whence the name.

ADQUIETO. Payment. Blount.

ADRECTARE. To set right. satisfy, or make amends.

ADRHAMIRE. In old European law. To undertake, deciare, or promise soieuiiiii ; to pledge: to pledge one's self to make oath. Spelman.

ADRIFT. Sea-weed. between high and low \\i‘itEl‘-l1].'ll'l;, which has not ‘been deposited on the shore, and which during flood-tide is moved ll!‘ eurh rising and reccdm \\ me. is adrift, aithough the bottom of the mass ma,‘ touch ijie bench. Anthony v. Gifford, 2 Allen (l\Ia$.) 549.

ADROGATION. In the civil law. The adoption of one "ho was ivIllflilIJ('.S',' that is. if a male, under fourteen years of age; it i1 female, under twelve. Dig. 1, 7. 17, 1.

ADS. An abbreviation for ad sec-tam, Wl.ll(l.l nu-ans "at the suit of." Bowen V. Sewing Mach. 00., 86 Ill. 11.