Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/766

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MANUPES. In old English law. A foot of full and legal measure.

MANUPRETIUM. Lat. In Roman law. The hire or wages of labor: compensation for labor or services performed. See Mackelrl. Rom. Law, § 413.

MANURABLE. In old English law. Capable of being had or held in hand; capable of manual occupation: capable of being cultivated: capable of being touched: tangible: corporeal. Hale. Anal. 5 24.

MANURE. In old English law. To occupy: to use or cultivate; to have in man- ual occupation; to bestow manual labor upon. Cowell.

MANUS. Lat. A hand.

In the civil law, this word signified pow- er, control. authority, the right or physical coercion, and was otten used as synonymous with "7)otcst|zs."

In old English law, it signified an oath

or the person taking an oath; a. comput- gator. —Manus mortua. A dead hand; mortmain. Spelmnn.

MANUSCRIPT. A writing; a paper

written with the hand: a writing that has not been printed. Patton v. Prang, 18 Fed. Pas. 1275: Leon Leon & Abstract Co. v. i')qnaiIzat:ioa Board. 86 Iowa, 127, 53 N. W. 9i, 17 L R. A. 199, 41 Am. St Rep. 486.

MANUTENENTIA. The old writ of maintenance. Reg. Orig. 182.

MANWORTH. In old English law. The price or value of a man's life or head. Co- weiL

MANY. This term denotes a. multitude, not merely a number greater than that de- noted by the word "few." Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Hull, 87 A18. 708, 6 South. 277, 4 L. R. A. 710, 13 Am. St. Rep. 84. But compare Hilton Bridge Const Co. v. Foster, 26 \llsc. Rep. 338. 57 N. Y. Supp. 140, holding that three persons may be "many."

MANZIE. In old Scotch law. Mayhem; ulntliation of the body of a person. Skene.

MAP. A representation of the earth's Sll1f.|Ce, or of some portion of lt_ showing the reintive position of the parts represented, usually on a flat surface. Webster. "A map is but a. transcript of the region which it portrays, narrowed in colnpztss so as to facilitate an understanding of the original." Banker v. Caldwell, 3 Minn. 103 (Gil. 55).

MARA. In old records. moor: a. lake. pool, or pond;

A mere or a bug or


MARCHETA marsh that cannot be drained. Cowell: Blount: Spelnian. MARAUDER. "A marauder is dciined

in the law to be ‘one who, while employed in the army as a soldier, commits larceny or robbery in the neighborhood of the camp. or while wandering away from the army.‘ But in the modeln and metaphorical sense of the word, as now sometimes used in common speech, it seems to be applied to a class of persons who are not a part of any regular army, and are not answerable to any military discipline, but who are mere lawless bandltti. engaged in plundering. robbery. murder, and all conceivable crimes." Curry 7. Collins, 37 Mo. 328.

MARC-BANCO. The name of a. piece or money formerly coined at Hamburg. its value was thirty-five cents.

MARCA. A mark; a. coin of the value or 13s. 4d. Spelman.

MARCATUS. The rent of a mark by the year nnclently reserved in leases, etc

MARCH. In Scotch law. A boundary line or border. Bell. The word is also used in composition; as march-dike, march-storm.

MARCHANDISES AVARIEES. In French mercantile law. Damaged goods.

MARCIJIJRS. In old English law. No- biemen who lived on the mnrshes of Wales or Scotinnti, and who, according to Camden, had their private laws, as if they had been petty kings: which were aboilslleri by ihe statute 27 Ben VII]. c. 26. Coiled niso "lords mnrcbers." Cowell.

IVIARCHIJS. An old English term for

boundaries or frontiers. particularly the boundaries and limits between England and Wales, or between England nod Scotland. or the borders of the dominlons of the crown. or the hounrizlries of properties in Scotland. Moziev & Whitley. —Marches, court of. An abolished tribunal in Wales, where pleas of debt or damages. not above the mine of 4T0, were tried and determined. Cro. Car. 384

NIARCILETA. In old Scotch law. A custom for the lord of a tee to lie the first night with the bride of his tenant Abolisiied by Malcolm II1. Spelman; 2 Bl. Comm. 83.

A fine paid by the tenant for the remission of such right, originally a marl: or half a mark of silver. Spelman.

In old English law. A fine paid for leave to mnrrv, or to bestow a daughter in marriage. CoweiL

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