Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/880

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Boundaries thereof, in order to its easy identification—Parcels, bill of. An account of the items composing a parcel or package of goods, transmitted with them to the purchaser.

PARCELLA TERRÆ. A parcel of land.

PARCENARY. The state or condition of holding title to lands jointly by parceners or co-parceners, before a division of the joint estate.

PARCENER. A joint heir; one who, with others, holds an estate in co-parcenary (q.v.).

PARCHMENT. Sheep-shins dressed for Writing. im mailed from Per(/umuii, Asia l\liu- or. "here they were inieiited. Used for dvi:-(ls, and used for writs of summons in Eiiglanil previous to the Judicature net, 1875. Whaiton.

FARGO FRACTO. Poiind-breach; also the nuine of an old En,-_-iish writ against one chnipuitile with pound-b1'e:1Ch.

I-‘ARCUS. A park, (a. 1:.) A pound for strny euittle Spnlnmn

1-‘ARDON. An not of grace. proceeding [mm the power intrusted with the ervmtiou of the hiivs, which exempts the iniliiiriuni on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law iulliets for a ciime he has com- rnitterl FT. S. v. Wilson. 7 Pet. 160, S L. Ed «H0; Ex parte Garland, 4 Willi 3S0. 18 L. ITd. 366; Moore v. State, 43 N J. Law, 241. 3:) H11. Rep. 558; Rich v. Cbflmbefiflifl, 10-I Mich. 436. 62 N. W. 584. 27 L. [L A. 573; Etlwflfdfi 7. Com., 78 Va. 39, 49 Am. Rep. 3

"Piirdnn" is to be distinguished from "amnes- ry" '1he former applies only to the indivirlunl, relenses him from the punishment fixeil by inw for his specific offense, but does not nfiect the erimiii-ifity of the some or similar act: when pr-rforiiwd by other ersons or re[\("It‘d by the some [7:l'SDl]. The alter term denotes on net of grace. extended by the zorernnient to aii nersuns \\ be may come within its terms, and which ohliter-ates the ci-i minality of past acts done, D111] dvclai-as that they shali not be treated us pun- ishsihle.

—Con:1itiuna.1 pardon. A conditional pnrdon is one granted on the condition that it shali miiy endure until the rniuntary doing of some l(‘[ by the peison pardoned. nr that it shall he revoked by s siibs-.quent "M on his part, us, that he sluiii leaiu Ibr st». 4 i-i_:l never return.

F \‘ i -irtc

i, 54 N "L If" D. 19 L. R 78'}. 3 m f . R011 FJQZ; S'_\te v. B mes. 3'.’ S. (‘ 14 10 * F (311. G L. R i-I’-I 17 Am. Ft. '3 p 832 People v. Burns. a Fluri. 92. 2 N. Y .’-in-m 3|lf).—General pardon. prnnm‘ tn -ail the pflfiivns n.irt ipi: ng in a river. mminnl or ti-vs nnhio - '*.'m=‘Ia1- ly pr~'i'1'--ill or to all A-.7eu..'-ers of .'l giieu [1355 or flr"ll|]§l a eertv a statute or within certain iimits of time. '.ut ‘fnn1mA.'y" is the more appropriate term for tin».

PARDONERS. In old English law. Persons who curried nhout the pope‘s indul-



gences, and sold them to any wh buy them.

PARENS. Lot. in Roman law. ent; ‘ ’ -

by ‘ID extension of its meaning. Ilny mule or feniaie. in the ime at dl —P.iu'ena pntria-_ I‘:ii'ent, of via » England, the king. In the Wished . ‘ state, as a sovereizfl. is the pun-vu put ‘

"Parens" est numen gene:-31¢ genus uognationls. Ca Lin. 3. is a name gI2l]l:l‘.lI for ev-ry klnd tionship.

PARENT. The lawful mother of a person. ltliiss. 378, 28 N. E. 296. tlnguished from "an(‘e.4toi's‘ in only the iiuuietlinie [.ll‘1'£k'lIltCl'I of l son, while the latter eiubriiies his mote reintlves in the nsn-mllli: line.

PARENTELA, or de pannldo at _ in old English iziw. signified zi or one's hundred and fzuuiig. cording to ancient (lloilflfl. dooe court. before the judge, and in its ' of twelve men, who made an beiiei ed it was done for u just read of it in the hm: or Huiq such aliluralioii the person was h of inheriting anything from any of lotions, etc. Ene. Lond.

PARENT}-IESIS. Part of 11 occurring in the middle therml‘, and hetvreen innrlis like ( ), the 0 which part would not injure the gran construction of the rest of the Wharton; In re Schilling, 53 Fed. 81. C. A. 440.

PARENTICIDE. One who mu parent; oiso the cume so eoinuiitted.

Pnrentum est libero: alere etin thos. It is the duty or pariun II 5 their children even when iliegltlniate. 222.

PARERGON. One work extirnfl intervals of another; a irulaonflxilh Pnrticiilnrly, the mime of a WI-It Q Canons, in great repute, by Aylilfe

PARES. Lot. A ]1F|"=f\'1’I - equals; as the jury for the tvlnl fl who were 0l‘i='i1m"y the vn-ale or w» of the ion]. lwui-_ the -rqnull or the parties iitigraintt and, as I!» I srils jun :~1 err u H‘--r in the ion!!! u so the S0\'(!l'0'i§,'lJ'u I4l:"v'l]f\ or the lorh selves, judged each other in the courts 3 Bi. COILIUJ. 349. —Pares curiae. Per.-~ of the cum- who were hound to attend the ioro Pin-es 1-egni. Peers of the realm. I