Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/542

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approved by the bishopB and clersy assembled. Fr. Catholic War Council. Its objects were to promote

J. O'Donnell, O.M.I., visited the Transvaal and the the spiritual and material welfare of the United

Cape Colony in connection with the scheme and States' troops at home and abroad and to study,

twelve months later the "Southern Cross" was an co-ordinate, unify and put into operation all Cath-

accomplished fact. olic activities incidental to the war. The mag-

.„.._ ,-- ,^T^ nificent record of Catholics during the War and

xr^JiJ???^. Diocese op (Natchesiensib, cf. C. E.. reconstruction period, and the helpfiil service which

X— 704d), m the State of Mississippi, is under the ^^ey rendered, both to the country and to the

administration of the Rt. Rev. John E. Gunn, who church, in the great variety of activities handled

succeeded to this see upon the death of Bishop ^y the emergency war organization, impressed upon

Heslin on 22 Februapr, 1911. Bishop Heslm had ^^^ members of the Hierarchy the necessity of

filled the see of Natchez for twenty-two years and continuing in times of peace many of the useful

dunng that time he had given special attention to activities of the war period, and at their annual

the development of parochial education and Mtab- meeting in Washington in September, 1919, the

lished a parish school in neariy every parish of the Hierarchy determined to perpetuate" the work of

diocese which had a resident priest, besides direct- ^^^ ^^j. Council in a permanent oiganization to

ing the building of a number of the largest y^ known as the National Catholic Welfare

churches in the diocese. Council

„«*hZ tnT^f^t^nP^^f^pILd^ ^*?^ Sd ^ »«»«' that the work of the Welfare Councal

waa bom in County Tjrone, Ireland, in 18^, imd ^ ^ organised, co-ordinated and administered

f«,"^» l,?i J!f '^ iit?^ ,? pL^^n J^ ^^«f^« i" "^e ««>"t effective manner, the Hierarchy ap-

for the Society of Mary m Rome in 1«K) and was • ^ administrative committee of seven of

?Sl^' H^ Theology, Washington D. C^^ from V ten. to manage the affairs of the Welfare

J.^^-JL*;i«f ^AL?L^iS?^ V?Snl^i.^H Coua^a- The adminirtrative committee was estab-

his consecration. 29 August. 1911. During his ad- ^^^ j g departments: a Department of Educa-

minwtration he has made the mission whool8|md ^j . Department of Social Action, a Department

f^^P^'f Jjf «P««'»i TI^ J"** ,"P *?. **•** P"?!?* of Laws and Legislation, a Department of Lay Or-

time(1921) has added 46 chapels and increased the Z^S^ri^^Z^\t^^Ti^\^^,,t ,,( Pn>L .nj PuK.

number of children in Catholic schools from 6000 ^***'*"" *°** * Department of Press and Pub-

^LT; h^tt rZ^?lj;i!'^hp*PV.!?^fw"fiX?,*»„'d Tt; Most Rev. Edward J. Hamia, Archbishop

fr^*!^^lL^uliJti^^^^tv:f^^t^t of San Francisco was appointed Chairman of the

in getting the Be|gian Missionary Fathers to take Administrative Committei. and the foUowing epis-

charge of the Mississippi Indians, and under biB j chairmen of the virions department! were

guidance the Fathers of the Divme Word opened ,P^ to assist him: His Eminenc^ Dennis Card-

a preparatoiy seminary at Bay St. Louis fw the . ^ Dougherty, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Chair-

traimnp of colored boys for the priesthood. Bishop ^ ^ department of Laws and W^ation;

P-n^^flv n^thf r^^n^A°^^l ^i^!^f^ Ihe Most Rcv. Austln Dowling. Archbishop of St. Paul.

Xn A !),;»» r^& «^mS&; Chairman of the Department of Ecfccation; Rt.

abandoned white Catholics of MiMnssippi. j^^ p ^^ j Muldoon. Bishop of Rockford. Chair-

In addition to Bishop Heslm the duK^ has ^ ^^ Department of Sodal Action; Rt. Rev.

fe^ S^or; c£oTFa^^?SS orV?c« MrD^nit'Si: ?feaSl¥Sa'^d"^

Mgr. Wise of Yazoo, Fathers Althoff and Ketels 5 l^J^r^^^^^jL SjJ^nf OpS'd Ph^"

the Coast, and in 1921 the Rt. Rev. Patrick C. 5!!^- "^^^L^^fe^^/n^nl ?f T^v^ f^^^

^h'r;^rJsSfiu^'iM°Slished in the ^rrii.ScS^^^^f^lty'^^T^^

di^r?"men'«e"orthfM££ DiviSe Com^dt^. R^ K*^iEdm^d P ojbo^ Bish^

Word Fathers, josephites, Belgian Missionaries "L^'^Yl J!"„^^"^,iS^"'^"h m ^v 1^

and Brothers of the Saci^ Heart, who conduct Tw.UhwXn^ir^i'^T'J^c^JAZn^

high schools and colleges in four important cen- ?l^?Jf*'l„^'?S°P/?iJ^^t^'*' ISiit^l^^S^^

Td^^'^iT^i^&'XJStof^? ^trL^Sta^tiJXlflaunTcIrtSracS'vi^J

tt»^rALrIfi^n XS «f %f iL^t S xi^' immediately, the whole work of the Welfare Coun-

Sf*Nt^'D^T«Srt'heHoly'Ghi SisSl'^f ±"^^^1^/ iSST^ *"' ""^""'* *"*"

ronuf/tio„l°4fw ntw^r J'^.'-lifJi^ The Lttve Apartment has the supervision

S»Sr^ «nH ^d7 «*SS^Kr^'"%wrf;i*?? o{ the work of the Welfare CouncU as a wtole, the

SfSSf • uS ohTnLf '^ J iwi, l^Z ^nii co-ordination of all its departments and the ulti-

K « Br" of thi &crMei?.l3/s £ ^Tt. ^rS^Sv"Ld*a^io^ T^ SL*^m'^l

? li,*K^« .^^ ?^^lu ^ oiphanages. Government. It is a medium of communication, of

1 for boys and 1 for girls. information and of action between the officiaU and

Katchitoches, Diocese of. See Alexandria, departments of the Government on all matters that

Diocese op (Lootsiana), affect Catholic interests and Catholic rights. It is

a medium of information to legislators, national or

Kational Catholic Welfare Oomicll, organised state, and to others who wish to inform themselves

jn 24 September, 1919, at the Catholic University as to the Catholic attitude on matters of Catholic

of America, Washington, D. C, by the American or public interest.

Hierarchy. The Welfare Coimcil is the successor "nie Department of Education is imder the Qiair-

of the emergency organization, the National Cath- manship of Most Rev. Austin Dowling, and the

olic War Council, created by the American Hier- Rev. James H. Ryan, DD., PhD., is its executive

archy at the time of AiAerica's entrance into the secretary. The chief purposes of the Department

World War. A general convention of the Catholics are: a clearing-house of information oonoeming

of the United States was held in Washington on Catholic education and Catholic educatio.x agencies,

11-12 August, 1917, to establish the National for Catholic educators and students, and tor the