Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/543

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general public; an advisory a^enc^ to assist Cath- They are trying to infuse into them some of its

olic education systems and institutions in their courage, optimism and spirit, and above all to teach

development; a connecting Agenoy between Cath- them the advantage of organized effort and unity

olio education activities and Government education in thought and action outside the Church as well as

agencies; an active organization to safeguard the in it. The scattered forces of the Catholic body

interests of Catholic education. of America are gradually being united in this way

The Department of Press, Publicity and Litera- into a compact organization which will soon be

ture, among its other activities, has taken over the able to make Catholic Faith, principles and ideals

news service from the Catholic Press Association, command the influence and prestige in our social

which supplied twenty-three weekly newspapers, and civic life which their soundness and stability

Today three dailies and eighty-four weekhes receive warrant. In Canada, in South America, in Eng-

the N. C. W. C. service, which is made up of (1) land, Ireland and other countries of Europe the

a printed news sheet of eight columns, full news- work of the Welfare Council is attracting much

paper style; (2) a supplementar> compilation of attention and many of its programs are being

news features, consisting of from twenty-five to studied most carefully, and some of them are

thirty-five full foolscap sheets printed by a mimeo- being put into operation by the Catholics of the

graph machine; (3) a Washington news-letter: (4) countries named. This is particularly true of the

a Monthly Editorial Sheet, containing editorials on National Catholic Welfare Council's Press service,

vital topics of the day, special articles by distin- ^hich is being carefully studied by foreign Catholic

guished writers, book reviews and other magazine journalists,

features. In connection with the Press Department v « *4 o *

a complete exchange and clipping bureau is main- »atiiraiiaation. bee Americanization.

tained. One of ^e important developments of the Kavlgators' Islands (or Samoa), Vicariate Apos-

news service has beenite adoption for teaching pur- ^^,^ ^^ (Archipelagi Navioatorum; cf. C. E.,

poses m colleges and schools XIII-421a), in Polynesia, is entruked to the

The Department of Socml Action was orgajized g^i^^ ^f ^ and governed by Rt. Rev. Joseph m December 1919. Rt. Rev. Peter J. Muldoon, Damand, a Marist, titular Bishop of Polemoniuii. px>., IS Its Chairman. There is a general coinmit- b. 31 December, 1879, professed 20 December, 1903, tee of twenty-eight pneste and laymen, and an ordained 16 July, 1905, appointed Vicar Apostolic executive committee m immediate charge of the ^f Navigators' Elands 4 August, 1919, and con- department The Department of Social Action eecrated 16 May, 1920. He resides at Apia, on the deals with the industrial relations, civic education, igi^nd of Upola (Samoa). The vicariate comprises social welfare, and rural life, Rev. John A. Ryan, ^he western islands of Samoa (q. v.) formerly belong- D J)., IS Director of the section dealing with mdus- i^g to Germany, and since the Treaty of Versailles trial relations ; Mr. John A. Lapp, LLX)., is Direc- governed by New Zealand. It numbers a total pop-

  • ?; of ^S'^^S?"^*^^^? 5?^ .®°S?^ Welfare, and Rev yi^tion of 38,000, of whom 6675 are Catholics, and 183

Edwm V. CHara, PhX>., is Director of the Rural catechumens, 15 districts, 92 stations, 22 regular Life Bureau of the department.' The purpose of priests, 4 native priests, 15 Little Brothers of Mary, the department is to get the best information on 28 Sisters, 101 catechists, 4 schools of Brothers, 6 of all of these subjects, distribute the information and Sisters with 2000 pupils. 82 primary schools, 25 serve aa a direct help to the rest of the Welfare churches and a few chapels, 1 professional school. Council and to the Men s and Womens Council

in particular in all matters coming under its prov- Nazos and Tlnos, Archdiocese of (Naxienbib et

ince. A weekly news service on industrial and rural Tinensis), is one of the three dioceses of the Latin

questions is beins conducted for the Catholic papers rite in the C^clades Islands, Greek Archipelago,

and a few secular papers. The department also and has as suffragans Syra and Thera (Santorin).

conducts a lecture course on economic and social By a Brief of 3 June, 1919, the sees of Tinos and

topics for Catholic seminaries and colleges and Mykonos were united to the archdiocese of Naxos

Catholic clubs in secular universities. under the title of Naxos and Tinos. The silk in-

The Department of Laws and Legislation was dustry, once flourishing on these islands, has since

organized in December, 1920, its purpose being to disappeared, Naxos and Tinos being now given

safeguard Catholic interests in both State and chiefly to cattle raising, Syra is a manufacturing

Nation. The Department keeps in close touch place for wool and cotton, and Thera is famous

with the activities of Congress and the legislatures for its strong wine which is its principal source of

of the several States, and is ever on the alert to revenue.

detect those measures aversely affecting Catholic The present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Mathew Vido,

interests and moraUty and to obtain information b. in the diocese of Tinos 1847, prelate of the Holy

as to the source of such matters. See, appointed Bishop of Tinos and Mykonos 9

The Department of Lay Organizations, having March, 1915, was promoted to the Archdiocese of two co-ordinate departments — one the National Naxos and Tinos 3 July, 1919, to succeed Arch- Council of Catholic Men and the other the National bishop Brindisi, transferred to Corfu after fllling Council of Catholic Women — has for its purpose the see of Naxos from 1909.

the unification of the Catholic lay forces through- There are only about 150 Catholics in Naxos and

out the country. The Rt. Rev. Joseph Schrembs these live in the old town. In Tinos, however,

directs the organization and activities of these two there are about 4000 Catholics who fully live up to

Coimcils. Admiral William S. Benson is President the requirements of their faith and cling to many

of the National Council of Catholic Men. It picturesque and ancient Catholic customs. They

conducts a Catholic Bureau of Immigration and are all peasants and live by themselves in 25 smul

a Catholic Service School for Men. At the head of villages, each of which has its own church and

the National Council of Catholic Women is Mrs. curates; the pastors are usually changed every two

Michael Gavin. Its object is to accomplish for years. On each of these islands a flourishing

Catholic women what the National Council of academy is conducted by the Ursuline Nuns and

Catholic Men seeks to do for the men. The hope these institutions are famous throughout the

of these two Councils is to reach the vast majority Levant. At Naxos there is a commercial school

of Catholics not affiliated with any Catholic society, for boys conducted by the Oblate Fathers of St. 34