Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/521

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CANUSIXJM, Fromontorixim. (Caes. B. G, ▼. IS, 14, 22; Strab. i. p. 63, iv. pp. 193, 199; PtoL ii. 3. § 27 ; comp. Cantae,) [B. G. L.] CANU'SIUM (Koitr<noy,Pol.; StnO).; Steph. B.; Karot^iof, Ptol. ; £tlL KoyvtrlVot or Kayvcirjis^ Ga- nnsinus: Canosa)^ one of the most andent and im- portant cities of Apulia, situated near the right bank of the Anfidus, aboat 15 miles from ita month. It was on the line of the high road from Benerentum to Bnmdosinm, and was distant 26 miles from Her- donia, and 23 from RnbL {Itm. AtU. p. 116.) The foundation of Canusinm, as well as that of the neighbouring city of Arpi, was generally ascribed to Diomed (Strab. vi. p. 284 ; Hor. SaL i. 5. 92), though the legends relating to that hero seem to have been in general more intimately connected with the latter city. It is probable that they wero both of them of Pelasgian origin, and were the two most powerful cities of the Daunian or Pelasgian Apulians; but there is no historical account of either of them having received a Greek colony, and there seem good reasons for believing that the strong infusion of Hel- lenic civilisation which we find prevailing at Gann- rium was introduced at a comparatively late period. The first historical mention of Gannsium is during the wars of the Bomans with the Samnites, in which the Ganusians took part with the latter, until the repeated devastations of their territoiy by the Bo- mans induced them to submit to the oonstd L. Plau- tius in B. c. 318. (Liv. ix. 20.) From this time they appear to have continued steadfast in their attachment to Bome, and gave the strongest proofs of fidelity during the Second Punic War. After the great disaster of Gannae, the shattered remnants of the Boman army took refuge in Ganusium, where they were received with the utmost hospitality and kindness; nor did Hannibal at any time sncoeed in making himself master of the city. (Liv. zxii. 52 —54, 56; Appian, Atrntb, 26; Sil. ItaL x. 389.) But in the Social War Guiusium joined the other cities of Apulia in their defection from Bome; and during the second campaign of the war (b. c. 89) it was besieged without success by the Boman praetor Goeconius, who was obliged to content himself with ravaging its territoiy. (Apfnan, B. C. i. 42, 52.) A few years afterwards (b. c. 83) it was the scene of an important battle between Sulla and G. Nor- banus, in which the latter was defeated with great lu6s, and compelled to evacuate the whole of Apulia, and fall back upon Gapua. (Id. i. 84.) It probably snfiered severely from these wars; and Strabo speaks of it as in his day much fallen from its former great- ness. But its name is more than (mce mentioned during the Givil Wars, and always as a place of some consequence : we learn from other sources that it not only continued to maintain its municipal ex- istence, but appears to have been almost the only city of ApuJia, besides the two Boman colonies of Luceria and Vennsia, which retained any degree of import- ance under tlie Boman empire. (Hor. Lc. ; Gaes. B.C. i. 24 ; Gic odAttMii. 1 1 ; Appian, B. C.v. 57 ; Gupit. J/.^nt8;Plin.iu.ll.s.l6; Ptol.iii. 1.§72; Mela, ii. 4.) It appears to have received a Boman colony for the first time under M. Aurelius, whence we find it bearing in an inscription the titles of " Golonia Aurelia Augusta Pia." Its deficiency of water, al- luded to by Horace, was supplied by the munificence of Herodes Atticus, who constructed a splendid aque- duct, some remains of which are still vihible. (Lib. Colon, p. 260; Philostr. Vit, Sophist, ii. 1. § 6; Orelli, /nscr. 2630; Zmnpt, de Coloniis, p. 427.) CAPENA. 503 Ganusium is mentioned both by Procopins and P. Diaconus as one of the principal cities of Apulia (Procop. B. G. iii. 18; P. Diac Hitt. ii. 22), and appears to have preserved its importance until a late period of the middle ages, but suffered severely from the ravages of the Lombards and Saracens. The modem city of Canoaa^ which contains about 5000 inhabitants, is situated on a slight eminence that probably formed the citadel of the ancient dty, which appears to have extended itself in the plain beneath. Strabo speaks of the great extent of the walls as attesting in his day the former greatness and pros- perity of Ganusium; and the still existing remains fully confirm his impression. Many of these, how- ever, as the aqueduct, amphitheatre, &c., are of Boman date, as well as an ancient gateway, which has been erroneously described as a triumphal arch. (Bomanelli, vol iL pp. 262 — 267 ; Swinburne, Tror- veltf vol. i. p. 401.) Great numbers of inscriptions of Imperial date have also been dltscovered ; one of which is curious, as containing a complete list of the municipal senate, or Decurions of the colony, with tlieir several gradations of rank. It has been published with an elaborate commentary by Daraa- deno. {Aes Redivivum Camuvnumty fol. Lugd. Bat.) But the most interesting relics of the ancient city are the objects which have been found in the numerous tombs in the neighbourhood, especially the painted vases, which have been discovered here in quantities scarcely inferior to those of Nola or Volci. They are, however, for the most part of a later and some- what inferior style of art, but are all clearly of Greek origin, and, as well as the coins of Ganusium, prove how deeply the dty was imbued with Hellenic in- fluences. It is even probable tliat, previous to the Boman conquest, Greek was the prevailing language of Ganusium, and perhaps of some otlier cities of Apulia. The expression of Horace, " Ganusini bi- linguis** {Sat. i. 10. 30), seems to be rightly ex- plained by the scholiast to refer to their speaking Greek and iMtin, (Momnisen, U. I. Duddcte^ p. 88.) The extensive and fertile plain in which Ganusium was situated, and which was the scene of the memo- rable battle of Gannae, is called by some writen Gamfus Diombdis (Liv. xxv. 12; Sil. Ital. viii. 242), though this is evidently rather a poetical debignatiun than a proper name. The whole plain S. of the Aufidus, and probably for some distance on the left bank also, appears to have belonged to the Ganusians, and we learn from Strabo (p. 283) that tlrey had a port or emporium on the river at a dis- tance of 90 stadia from its mouth. The territory of Ganusium was adapted to the growth of vines as well as com, but was especially celebrated for its wool, which appeara to have been manufactured on the spot into a particular kind of doth, much prized for its durability. (Varr. i2. iZ. i. 8 ; Plin. viii. 48. s. 73; Martial, ix. 22. 9, xiv. 127 ; Suet. Ner. 30.) The stony or gritty quality of the bread at Ganusium, noticed by Horace, has been observed also by modem travellers (Swinbume, p. 166): it doubt- less results from the defective qtulity of the mill- stones employed. [E. H. B.] GATABA (KeCira^: Eth. Gaparenses: Uu Tm- tan de Caparra, large Bu. £. of Plasencia)^ a city of the Vettones in Lusitania, on the high xx)ad from Emerita to Gaesaraugusta. {I tin. Ant. p. 433; Plin. iv. 21. s. 35; Ptol. iL 5. § 8; Florez, Eq>. 8, xiv. p. 54.) [P. a] CAPE'l^A {E(h. Gapenas, -Stis), an ancient city K K 4