Archaelogy and Antiquities
(For sites see the section Geography. See also under Art, Philology, Religion § Comparative.)
- Aegean Civilization
- Antiquary
- Barrow
- Bronze Age
- Cairo
- Calaveras Skull
- Catacomb
- Chariot
- Celt (tool)
- Cippus
- Cist
- Clepsydra
- Cliff Dwellings
- Colossus
- Columbarium
- Crannog
- Cromagnon Race
- Dene Holes
- Epigraphy
- Flint Implements
- Graffito
- Hallstatt
- Hittites
- Inscriptions
- Iovilae
- Iron Age
- Kent’s Cavern
- Konarak
- Labyrinth
- Lake Dwellings
- Lansing Man
- La Tène
- Madelenian
- Marnian Epoch
- Moulin Quignon
- Mound Builders
- Mousterian
- Neanderthal
- Neolithic
- Palaeography
- Palaeolithic
- Round Towers
- Sarcophagus
- Scarab
- Shell Heaps
- Solutrian Epoch
- Sphinx
- Stone Age
- Stone Monuments
- Terramara
- Villanova
- Vitrified Forts
- Agarde, Arthur
- Agostini, Leonardo
- Akerman, J. Y.
- Ashmole, Elias
- Baker, Thomas
- Barthélemy, Anatole J. B.
- Becker, Wilhelm A.
- Belzoni, Giovanni Battista
- Bent, James Theodore
- Beulé, Charles Ernest
- Birch, Samuel
- Boissard, Jean Jacques
- Bond, Sir Edward Augustus
- Borghesi, Bartolommeo
- Borlase, William
- Böttiger, Karl August
- Brand, John
- Brayley, Edward Wedlake
- Britton, John
- Bröndsted, Peter Oluf
- Brugsch, Heinrich Karl
- Bursian, Conrad
- Canina, Luigi
- Cesnola, Luigi Palma di
- Champollion, Jean François
- Champollion-Figeac, J.J.
- Chandler, Richard
- Clermont-Ganneau, C.S.
- Curtius, Ernst
- Denon, Dominique Vivant, baron de
- Didron, Adolphe Napoléon
- Dodsworth, Roger
- Dodwell, Edward
- Douce, Francis
- Dugdale, Sir William
- Dümichen, Johannes
- Ebers, Georg Moritz
- Eckhel, J. H.
- Ellis, Sir Henry
- Emeric-David, Tousaint-Bernard
- Evans, Sir John
- Fabretti, Raphael
- Fea, Carlo
- Fellows, Sir Charles
- Folkes, Martin
- Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley
- Franks, Sir A. Wollaston
- Furtwängler, Adolf
- Gaigniéres, François R. de
- Gardner, Percy (and E. A.)
- Gell, Sir William
- Gerhard, F. W. E.
- Gliddon, George Robins
- Gordon, Alexander
- Gough, Richard
- Grose, Francis
- Grotefend, Georg F.
- Gude, Marquard
- Gutschmid, A. von
- Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus
- Hearne, Thomas
- Hincks, Edward
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
- Horsley, John
- Inghirami, Francesco
- Jahn, Otto
- Jamieson, Robert
- Jones, Owen
- King, Charles William
- Laing, David
- Lanzi, Luigi
- Layard, Sir A. H.
- Leland, John
- Lenormant, François
- Lepsius, Karl Richard
- Letronne, Jean Antoine
- Mariette, A. F. F.
- Maspero, G. C. C.
- Murray, A. S.
- Newdigate, Sir Roger
- Newton, Sir C. T.
- Oberlin,Jérémie Jacques
- Petrie, George
- Petrie, W. M. Flinders
- Pitt-Rivers, A. H. Lane-Fox
- Poole, Reginald Stuart
- Prinsep, James
- Rafn, Karl Christian
- Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell
- Raoul Rochette, Désiré
- Rassam, Hormuzd
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry C.
- Renouf, Sir Peter Le Page
- Robertson, Joseph
- Rosellini, Ippolito
- Schliemann, Heinrich
- Schrader, Eberhard
- Seroux d’Agincourt, J. B. L. G.
- Shapira, M. W.
- Smith, George
- Spon, Jacques
- Stukeley, William
- Tod, James
- Towneley, Charles
- Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner
- Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
- Wood, Anthony à
- Wright, Thomas
Architecture: Subjects
- Abacus
- Abated
- Abbey
- Abutment
- Acroterium
- Aedicula
- Aisle
- Aiwan
- Alcove
- Alley
- Almery
- Almonry
- Almshouse
- Alure
- Ambo
- Ambulatory
- Amphiprostyle
- Amphitheatre
- Andron
- Angel-lights
- Antae
- Ante-chapel
- Ante-choir
- Ante-fixae
- Anthemion
- Apophyge
- Apse
- Apteral
- Aqueduct
- Araeostyle
- Araeosystyle
- Arcade
- Arch
- Architrave
- Archivolt
- Arcosolium
- Arena
- Arris
- Ashlar
- Astragal
- Astylar
- Atrium
- Attic
- Attic base
- Back-choir
- Bailey
- Balcony
- Ball-flower
- Baluster
- Balustrade
- Banker-marks
- Baptistery
- Barbican
- Bargeboard
- Bartizan
- Base
- Basement
- Basilica
- Batement-lights
- Baths
- Batter
- Battlement
- Bay
- Bed-mould
- Belfry
- Bell-cot
- Belvedere
- Bema
- Bench-table
- Bevel
- Bezantée
- Bowtell
- Bracket
- Brattishing
- Broach
- Bungalow
- Cable moulding
- Camber
- Campanile
- Canalis
- Cancelli
- Candelabrum
- Canephorae
- Canopy
- Capital
- Cartouche
- Caryatides
- Casement
- Castle
- Cathedral
- Cathetus
- Cauliculus
- Cavaedium
- Cavea
- Cavetto
- Ceiling
- Cella
- Chalcidicum
- Chamfer
- Chancel
- Chapter-house
- Charnel-house
- Château
- Chevet
- Chevron
- Chimney
- Chimneypiece
- Choir
- Chresmographion
- Cinque Cento
- Cleithral
- Clerestory
- Cloaca
- Cloister
- Coenaculum
- Coffer
- Colonnade
- Column
- Compluvium
- Composite order
- Compound pier
- Conch
- Conisterium
- Coping
- Corbel
- Corbie
- Cornice
- Counterfort
- Crenelle
- Crest
- Crocket
- Crossing
- Cross springer
- Crypt
- Crypto-porticus
- Cubicle
- Cuneus
- Cupola
- Curvilinear
- Cusp
- Cyclopean masonry
- Cyclostyle
- Cyma
- Cyrto-style
- Cyzicenus
- Dais
- Decastyle
- Decorated Period
- Dentil
- Diaconicon
- Diastyle
- Diaulos
- Diazomata
- Dikka
- Dipteral
- Discharging arch
- Distyle
- Dodecastyle
- Dog-tooth
- Dome
- Donjon
- Door
- Doorway
- Dormer
- Dormitory
- Dosseret
- Drafted masonry
- Dripstone
- Dromos
- Dungeon
- Early English Period
- Eaves
- Echinus
- Eiffel Tower
- Elizabethan Style
- Embrasure
- Engaged column
- Entablature
- Entasis
- Ephebeum
- Epi
- Epinaos
- Epistyle
- Estrade
- Eustyle
- Exedra
- Extrados
- Façade
- Fan vault
- Femerell
- Fenestration
- Feretory
- Festoon
- Fillet
- Finial
- Flamboyant Style
- Flèche
- Floor
- Flying buttress
- Foot-stall
- Formeret
- Fountain
- Frater (Frater House)
- Free-stone
- Fret
- Frieze
- Frigidarium
- Frontispiece
- Gable
- Gablets
- Galilee
- Gallery
- Gargoyle
- Garret
- Garretting (Galletting)
- Gate
- Gatehouse
- Gazebo
- Glyph
- Glyptothek
- Godroon
- Gothic
- Grange
- Griffe
- Groin
- Guilloche
- Gutta
- Gutter
- Gynaeceum
- Hagioscope
- Half timber work
- Hall
- Hammerbeam roof
- Helix
- Hemicycle
- Herring-bone
- Hexastyle
- Hip-knob
- Hipped roof
- Hippodrome
- Hôtel-de Ville
- Hôtel-Dieu
- House
- Hypaethros
- Hypocaust
- Hypostyle
- Hypotrachelium
- Ichnography
- Iconostasis
- Imbrex
- Impluvium
- Impost
- In-antis
- Indian Architecture
- Intercolumniation
- Interlaced arches
- Intrados
- Jacobean Style
- Jamb
- Jesse
- Jubé
- Keel-moulding
- Keep
- Keystone
- Label
- Labrum
- Laconicum
- Lacunar
- Lady-Chapel
- Lancet
- Lantern
- Lanterns of the Dead
- Lectern
- Lintel
- Loft
- Louver (Louvre)
- Lucarne
- Lunette
- Machicolation
- Maksoora
- Manor-house
- Mastaba
- Mausoleum
- Megaron
- Merlon
- Meshrebiya
- Meta
- Metope
- Mezzanine
- Mihrab
- Minaret
- Minbar
- Minster
- Modillion
- Module
- Monotriglyph
- Mosque
- Mouldings
- Mullion
- Mutule
- Narthex
- Nave
- Newel
- Niche
- Nymphaeum
- Obelisk
- Octastyle
- Odeum
- Oecus
- Ogee
- Ogive
- Oillets
- Order
- Ordinance
- Oriel
- Orientation
- Orthostatae
- Orthostyle
- Oubliette
- Ovolo
- Pagoda
- Palace
- Palaestra
- Palladian
- Panel
- Pantheon
- Parament
- Parapet
- Parascenium
- Parclose
- Pargetting
- Parquetry
- Parthenon
- Parvis
- Patera
- Patio
- Pavement
- Pavilion
- Pedestal
- Pediment
- Pendant
- Pendentive
- Peripteral
- Peristyle
- Perpendicular Period
- Perpent stones
- Perron
- Piazza
- Pier
- Pilaster
- Pillar
- Pinacotheca
- Pinnacle
- Piscina
- Plan
- Planceer
- Plaster
- Plinth
- Podium
- Poppy heads
- Porch
- Portcullis
- Portico
- Postern
- Presbytery
- Prick posts
- Propylaea
- Proscenium
- Prostyle
- Prothesis
- Pseudo-dipteral
- Pseudo-peripteral
- Pteron
- Pulpit
- Purlin
- Pycnostyle
- Pyramid
- Pyramidion
- Quadriga
- Quatrefoil
- Quoins
- Rag-stone
- Rear vault
- Refectory
- Regula
- Reredos
- Respond
- Rib
- Rood
- Rough Cast
- Rubble
- Rustication
- Sacristy
- Saddle
- Scabbling
- Scamilli impares
- Scotia
- Sedilia
- Sepulchre, Easter
- Severy
- Sexpartite vault
- Shaft
- Sill
- Slype
- Soffit
- Solar (Soller)
- Sommer
- Spandril