Page:Essay on the Principles of Translation - Tytler (1791, 1st ed).djvu/157

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Chap. IX.

the Areopagus for this. Timon, Stay a little only, and you may bring me in guilty of murder *." Franklin's Lucian.

Gnathon: "Confound him! what a blow he has given me! What's this for, old Touchwood? Bear witness, Hercules, that he has struck me. I warrant you, I shall make you repent of this blow. I'll indite you upon an action of the case, and bring you coram nobis for an assault and battery."

Timon. "Do, thou confounded law-pimp, do; but if thou stay'st one minute longer, I'll beat thee to pap. I'll


  1. ΓΝ· Τι τατο; παιεις ω Τιμων; μαρτυρομαι· ω Ηρακλεις· ιου, ιου. Προκαλαμαι σε τραυματος εις Αρειον παγον· Τιμ. Και μεν αν γε μακρον επιβραδυνης, φονον ταχα προκεκληση με. Lucian, Timon.
