Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/78

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scriber in the evidences of Christ church, an. 798[1], and afterwards at the synod of Cloveshoe 803[2]; again in a Saxon charter dated 805. He became archbishop of Canterbury in 806.

Beornoth was archdeacon in 844.

Athelweald ... 853.

Ealstan ... 864.

Sigifreth ... 866.

Liaving ... 866.

Werbeald ... 890.

Almar ... 1010.

Brinstan ... circa 1012.

Haimo ... 1054. Somner places Edsin after Haimo, but he appears to have been bishop of St. Martin and not archdeacon of Canterbury.

Valerius. The only authority for calling him arch-

  1. X. Script, col. 2212.
  2. Concil. Brit. i. 324.