Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/514

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456 Collectanea.

Clachag mheanbh anns an deacait, 'S bat beag 's leud a mais 'sa chreag, 'S posaidh, posaidh."

(" Dogs, dogs, Oh people of Easdale, / Bluebonnet and red jacket, / A little stone in the jacket, / And a little stick, and the breadth of her bottom in the rock, / And Avill marry, will marry.")

"DonuU maol, mo ghille lurach, Thainig e postadh feadh na fraoich, Ach cha robh 'n cearc-fhraoich aig a bhanais."

(" Bald Donald, my lively lad, / He came tramping through the heather, / But there was no heather hen (grouse, a real bird with secondary allusion) at his wedding.")

" Ha, ha, hu, ro, mo phropanach, Mo ghille maol is tu ; C'ait' am faigh mi bean dhuit Air an gabh thu gaol ?

Ha, ha, hu, ro, mo phropanach, Mo ghille maol is tu ; Nighean Diuchd, neo Baran Aig am bi fearran saor."

(" Ha, ha, hu, ro, my stout lad, / My bald lad are you ; / Where shall I get a wife for you / For whom you will conceive love ? Ha, ha, hu, ro, my stout lad, / My bald lad are you ; / A Duke's daughter or a Baron's / Who has free land.")

" Larach dubh, am breabadair Air muin nan creag, Larach dubh am breabadair 'S mise air a muin. Lan an duirn Caorain dearga S ise a' ruith, 'S mise air a muin. I ! ha ! hi ! O ! ho ! ho ! ho ! "

(" Black filly, the kicker (weaver) / On the top of the rocks / Black filly the weaver / And I on her top / A handful / Of red embers / to her tail / And she running, / And me on her back. / I ! etc.") While the lullaby is being repeated, the nurse and the youngster
