Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/59

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[X, 41—

and sē ðe mē underfēhþ, hē underfēhð þone þe mē sende.

41. Sē þe underfēhð wītegan on wītegan naman, hē onfēhþ wītygan mēde; and sē þe underfēhþ rihtwīsne on rihtwīses naman, hē onfēhþ rihtwīses mēde.[1]

42. And swā hwylc swā sylþ ānne drinc cealdes wæteres ānum þyssa lȳtylra manna on leorningcnihtes naman, sōþ ic secge ēow, Ne āmyrð hē hys mēde.[2]


1. And hyt wæs geworden, þā sē Hǣlynd þys geendude, hys twelf leorningcnihtum bebēodende, hē fōr þanun þæt hē lǣrde and bodude on hyra burgum.[3]

Đys [godspel] gebyrað on þǣre ǣrran wucan ǣr mydawyntra.

2. Þā Iohannes on bendum gehȳrde Crīstes weorc, þā sende hē tō him twēgen hys leorningcnihta,[4]

3. and cwæð, Eart þū þe tō cumenne eart, oððe wē ōþres sceolon ābīdan?

  1. B, witygan (three times), A, wytegan (second time), witegan (first and third times).
  2. B, wæterys anun; A, lytelra.
  3. A, hælend; A, geendade; B, -cnihtun; A, þanon; A, bodode; A, heora; B, burgun.
  4. B, bendun; Corp., B, weoruc, A, weorc.