Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/60

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XI, 12]
Secundum Mattheum

4. Sē Hǣlend andswarude and cwæð tō him, Gāþ, and cȳþaþ Iohanne þā ðing þe gē gehȳrdon and gesawōn:[1]

5. blinde gesēoþ, healte gāð, hrēofe synt āclǣnsude, dēafe gehȳraþ, dēade ārīsað, þearfan bodiað.[2]

6. And ēadig ys sē þe ne swicað on mē.

7. Đā hī ūt ēodon, sōþlīce þā ongan sē Hǣlynd secgan be Iohanne and cwæþ tō þǣre menigeo, Hwī ēode gē ūt on wēsten gesēon winde āwegyd hrēod?[3]

8. Oððe hwī ēode gē ūt gesēon mann hnescum gyrlum gescrȳdne? Nū þā þe synt hnescum gyrlum gescrȳdde synt on cyninga hūsum.[4]

9. Ac hwæt ēode gē ūt wītegan gesēon? Ic ēow secge, Ēac māran þonne wītegan.

10. Đēs ys sōþlīce be þām āwryten ys, Nū ic sende mīnne engyl beforan þīne ansȳne, sē gegearwað þīnne weg beforan þē.[5]

11. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge, Ne ārās betwyx wīfa bearnum māra Iohanne fulwihtere; sōðlīce sē þe lǣssa ys ys on heofena rīce him māra.[6]

12. Sōþlīce fram Iohannes dagum fulwihteres[7]

  1. Corp., antswarude, B, and-, A, andswarode; B, gehyrdun and gesawun.
  2. A, synd geclænsode.
  3. B, eodun; A, B, hælend, A, mænio; Corp., B wesðen; A, aweged.
  4. A, man; A, synd (twice); B, cynega husun.
  5. A, engel.
  6. A, betwux; B, bearnun; A, mare; A, fulluhtere; A, læsse.
  7. B, iohannys dagun; A, fulluhteres.