Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/53

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all Paternoster; and repeat the words of the charm as given on the opposite page, drawing equilateral triangles as emblems of the Trinity, and before each of the names of the evangelists set a cross.

10. In case a man or a beast drink an insect, if it be of male kind sing this lay in the right ear, which lay is hereinafter written; if it be of female kind, sing it in the left ear. Though the word Tofeð occurs in this charm, it is not in Hebrew words.

Sing this charm nine times in the ear, and a Paternoster once. This same charm a man may sing against a penetrating worm, sing it frequently upon the wound and smear with thy spittle, and take green centaury, pound and lay it on the wound and bathe with hot cow stale. In case a man drink venom, take seed of marrubium, mingle it with wine, administer to be drunk.

11. This is the holy drink against one full of elfin tricks and for all temptations of the devil. Write upon the housel dish several texts and psalms.

Take the herb crystallium and tansy and zedoary and cassuck and fennel, and take a sextarius full of hallowed wine, and bid an immaculate person fetch in silence

    te pestiferum uiruf per patrem & filium & Ppm fern vt ampliuf non noceaf xeque crefcaf fed arefcaf. Amen. (MS. Bodley. 163,/o/.227.) The initial word of this charm is again mentioned further on, as representing, doubtless, the entire text of it. Nabaioth looks like Hebrew, and the middle words are triangula, thrice repeated.