Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/184

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he heard a class leader say to the Indians that they should not care any thing about Col. Givins, for that he was no more than any other man, and was last winter put into gaol. The Frenchman pointed out the man who told him. I immediately went to him and made every enquiry, but he said he knew nothing about it, neither had he ever said any such thing. I then requested the Frenchman to take the Indian before the Colonel, and inform him that there was no truth in the report; they went together and explained the whole matter, and the Col. appeared perfectly satisfied. I have no doubt but the traders and their hirelings would rejoice to get any hold whereby they could prejudice the minds of the officers of Government against the Methodist teachers now amongst the Indians. But the Lord will carry on his work in spite of their opposition. In the Lord do we put our trust and confidence. It took the Commissary all day to divide the goods, which consist of blankets, cloths, calicoes, shirting, hats, guns, rifles, powder, shot, balls, tin and brass kettles, pots, axes, silk handkerchiefs, ribbons, thread, brooches, &c. The amount of their payments is £1,200 currency per annum, besides the King's presents, which perhaps are nearly as much more; these, with frugality and economy, might be enough to clothe them all the year. In the evening I assembled the Indians and discoursed to them on the depravity of our nature, and the atonement made by Jesus Christ. They were very attentive.

Thursday 14th. — Colonel Givins commenced giving out the goods this morning. The mode of distribution was as follows: The men were seated in rows on the ground by themselves, the women and children in the same order — the Commissary then commenced giving one sort of goods to each individual until the whole of the various articles were disposed of. During this day John Asance, the Chief, brought a message to me from the head man of the Pagan Indians, accompanied with a