Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/185

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string of wampum, stating that the reason he did not accept of the Christian religion, was, in consequence of a number of his people not being present at that place he could not consult with them and give a decided answer, but that next spring he would be able to let us know what he would do, and thought that he should meet our wishes and become a christian. John Asance then delivered the same message to Colonel Givins, who requested me to go with him to the man who sent it. The Colonel told him that he was glad to hear that he began to think, about mending his ways, and hoped that he would not trifle with Christianity, but that he would consider it as the will of the Great Spirit to man. He said he had no orders from the King to advise any of the Indians to become christians, but knowing that it would be better for them to become sober and civilized, he would, as an individual, advise them to join with their christian brethren in the service of God and civilization. He further told him that in a few years the hunting would be destroyed by the white settlers who were constantly extending back into the country, and consequently it would be better for him and his children to be preparing beforehand for the cultivation of the earth, &c. The aged Sachem assented to all the Colonel said. This Indian and his people reside on the North shore of Lake Huron, called, by the Indians. Metahbik. The whole number does not perhaps exceed one hundred. In all probability this will be the next body of Indians who will embrace Christianity, and from thence it will no doubt spread to Drummond's Island, &c. I see only one difficulty in the way of the Gospel taking the wings of the morning and flying to the Western or Pacific Ocean, and making the wilderness vocal with the high praises of God, and that is the opposition it will meet with from the Roman Catholics, who have already. I am informed, commenced an establishment at Drummond's Island, and got a number of the Indians to join