Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/217

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with the leaders and principal men, in order to enquire into the state of their classes. In the afternoon I spoke to the Indians from these words, "Neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure," 1 Tim. v. 22. They were very attentive; tears and sighs bespoke the deep feelings of their hearts. Oh how powerful is the force of Divine truth! We again met for worship in the evening. I addressed them from Isaiah xii. 1. Towards the close of my talk, the power of the Holy Ghost seemed to fall upon the Indians, and with one accord they shouted aloud the praises of God. Before we concluded the meeting, I gave them my parting address, as I intended to start for the Credit on the morrow. We then shook hands. Jacob Crane, Chief, rose up, and addressing me. said, "Brother, we are glad in our hearts for this visit. We thank you for having fed us with the words of the Great Spirit. Brother, we will pray for you, and ask the Great Spirit to give you many days, and strength to enable you to speak the words of God to all the poor Indians. Brother, we shake hands with our brothers and sisters and their children, at the River Credit. Tell them that every day we raise our eyes towards heaven, upon our knees, and pray for them. Tell them that our hearts shall be as their hearts. The Great Spirit whom they serve, shall be our God, so long as we shall live in this world. Brother, we desire an interest in your prayers, as well as the prayers of your people at the Credit, and we hope we shall one day all meet in ishpeming. This is the desire of our hearts." Truly the Lord is amongst this people, watching over them with a shepherd's care and feeding then with the bread of eternal life. My soul was exceedingly happy during the exercises of this evening. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for what mine eyes have seen and my ears have heard, of the goodness and power of God to save these, my Indian brethren! O my soul praise the Lord, and all that is within me bless his holy